Hello, Reception.

Welcome to your Reception Homework page.

Here are some important skills that you should practice at home every week. This term, we are practicing the skills that we started learning in the Nursery.

Choose a story to read with a grown up. It can be a book that you know well or a book that is new to you.
Can you read the first few pages and then say how the story might end?
Can you talk about where the story takes place in your own words?
Can you talk about what happens in the story in your own words?
Can you describe the main characters in the story in your own words?
Can you say if you liked the story and why?

Choose a group of about 10 toys or other objects.
Can you say the name of each object?
Can you say the sound that you hear at the beginning of each object? Please remember that it is the sound that we are listening for not the letter so apple begins with ‘a a a’ but angel begins with ‘ay’, for example.
Once you can hear and say the sounds confidently, try this:
Ask your grown up to choose a few objects with words on one syllable e.g. cup, bag, hat.
Ask your grown up to pretend to be a robot! They will say the word like this c-u-p. Please say the sounds not the letters as above.
Can you guess which word they are saying?
Can you be a robot and say the words like this b-a-g? It’s quite tricky so keep practicing!

Can you think of your own question? It could be about any topic that you are interested in.
Can you think of ways that you could find out the answer?
Can you try to answer your own question with a grown up to help you?

Can you read a rhyming book with a grown up?
Can you join in with rhyming words in a rhyming story like this: Superworm is super long, Superworm is super…?
Can you find some words that rhyme?
Can you make your own rhyming string like this one: cat-bat-rat-fat?

Can you copy the letters of your name carefully, one at a time?
Can you make your name using magnetic letters or cut out letters?
Can you write your name from memory?
Can you practice writing other letters from memory?

I am really looking forward to hearing about and seeing your learning at home.

Love from Miss Walsh.

It would really help me if you could upload photos  straight to the media file (instructions are here: sharing photos and files) as they get to me more quickly and easily as they don’t have to go via the office and my e-mail. Please can either your child’s name or face (but not both) be visible on any photos. Many thanks.