Middlesex CCC Party Night at Paddington Rec

8 May 2017 at 6:00pm — 8:00pm
Whole School
Venue: Paddington Recreation Ground
Contact: Mrs Duffy

Middlesex Cricket is traveling up and down the county with the aim of inspiring engagement of cricket at all levels. So if to you are interested in any aspects of the game now is your opportunity to find out more. Middlesex Cricket will be visiting Paddington Recreation Ground and hosting a party night. The evening will include ‘fun fair’ Inspired games for all the family and photo opportunities with the Middlesex mascot and the County Championship trophy.
The event will run from 6-8pm on Monday 8th May 2017 and is completely free to attend.

Unfortunately this event is not suitable for Year 6 as they need to have an early night so they are well rested for their SATs this week.