This afternoon, we were kindly invited by Queen’s College for a Science workshop. During the afternoon, Dr. Davies and Miss Robinson introduced us to a chemistry and biology experiment – which we we all thoroughly enjoyed.

With Miss Robinson, we learnt that cells were more than just red and white blood cells. This biology experiment allowed us to view the cells inside our cheeks under a microscope. We first chewed the side of our cheek and then swabbed it with a cotton bud. Then we placed our swab on a slide and using a pipette, dropped one droplet of Methylene Blue on to our slide. We then placed a cover slip on top, and placed the slide on the stage of the microscope. After learning how to adjust the lens, we were able to see what the cells inside our mouth looked like – we were all quite surprised by what we saw.

In chemistry, we had a blast creating the pH rainbow, and learning the difference between acids and alkalines. Did you know we can test our everyday foods using a pH Indicator to test whether it is acid, alkaline or even neutral. Then Dr. Davies set us a challenge to create an Iodine Clock. We were given two substances, known to us, as Solution A and Solution B. We had to adjust the volume of both solutions and see if we can make the the solution change colour within 20 seconds. It was so difficult but we enjoyed the challenge – with Augustin, Elizabeth and Zac coming close with 19.22 seconds.

To end the day, we were given a choice of a gift with a certificate, which we really appreciated. We had a great day at Queen’s College and appreciate the time they took to teach us some interesting Science.