Today, four Year 5 Mathematicians went to the Guildhall to take part in a Maths Challenge organised by Christ’s Hospital School. They split into pairs and had a range of activities to complete, against 150 other Year 5 children.

“We had 6 activities and my favourite was ‘The Broken Calculator’ where we had to use a few keys on the calculator to make a given number.” AO

“We had to complete tasks as quickly as we could. Out of the six tasks, my favourite was the sudoku.” PR

“It was really fun. My favourite challenge was the sudoku one. It was helpful working in a partner because if one of us made a mistake then the other could fix it.” GA

“I enjoying playing Make 24 and sudoku. Some of the challenges were really hard and others were slightly easier. Before today, I play make 24 with my Grandma so that helped me answer the questions quickly!”​ GZ

Well done for working so hard today!