Creative Curriculum:

As part of our topic, we will look back in history to learn how the Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings invaded and settled in Britain. Please follow this link to the BBC website to learn more about how and why the Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain, how Britain was ruled during that time and what life was like for civilians. This website will be a good starting point to find our more about the Viking invaders and settlers.

We will also be planning, mapping and creating 3D models of our island. When describing locations on a world map we shall be learning about lines of latitude and longitude and this game may help you learn and develop this skill.


For the first half -term, we will be learning about the properties and changes in material. We shall be learning about separating solutions through a range of techniques and investigating the effect of chemical and physical changes to materials. To widen your knowledge of how some materials are made and different chemical and physical reactions, you can watch a range of video clips on the BBC website.

Our topic for the second half-term will focus on exploring how scientists work in the real world. This will include looking at the discoveries of famous scientists, the methods of forensic scientists and the various ways scientists shares their new finds.


There are many online games to make spellings more enjoyable to learn. Here is a link to support one of our spelling focuses on words with silent letters.