Hello, Reception.

Welcome to your Reception Homework page.

Here are some important skills that you should practice at home every week. This term, we are practicing the skills that we started learning in the Nursery.

Can you talk about the patterns?
Can you say what would come next in the patterns?
Can you use objects or draw pictures to create patterns of your own?

How far can you count out loud?
 Can you jump, stamp or clap as you count out loud as far as you can, starting from 0?
Can you move and count out loud to 20?
If you miss out a number, start again at 0. The numbers that we often miss out are 13 and 15 so keep practicing those numbers.
Can you move and count further than 20?        


Can you choose about 20 of your toys and count them?
Can you sort them into groups and then count how many are in each group?
Can you say which group has more or the most?
Can you say which group has fewer or the fewest?
Can you find any groups which have the same number as each other?
Can you add two groups and find the total by counting all of the objects?

Choose 10 different small objects and put them on a tray or on the table so that you can see them. Talk about what you have chosen to help you to remember what is there.
Next, cover up the objects with a towel.
Can you remember which objects are under there? How many are there?
Next, ask a grown up to take one object away and show you which one they have taken.
Can you remember which objects are still under the towel? How many are there now?
When you’ve had a few turns you can  swap with your grown up. Take away objects and ask your grown up to say what is still under the towel.

Can you mix up your number cards and then put them in order from 0-10?
Can you mix up your number cards and the put them in order from 10-0?
Can you show the numbers from 0-10 on your fingers?
Can you begin to write the numbers?
I am really looking forward to hearing about and seeing your learning at home.
Love from Miss Walsh. 

It would really help me if you could upload photos  straight to the media file (instructions are here: sharing photos and files) as they get to me more quickly and easily as they don’t have to go via the office and my e-mail. Please can either your child’s name or face (but not both) be visible on any photos. Many thanks.