The second stage of the consultation on the plans to pedestrianise Oxford Street is open and the deadline for submissions is 17th December. It would be wonderful if parents could please respond to this.

To find out more and to have your say, please visit   There is further information on our school website

As a school, our main concerns are the increased pollution levels to the area, the safety aspects for our pupils on their journey to school with more vehicles using the road network closer to the school and the accessibility issues for our families who rely on the bus services to Oxford Street and may not wish/ be physically able to easily travel by underground.

The Marylebone Association has circulated the following concerns:-
1. The threats of increased congestion and pollution from traffic displaced to residential streets.
2. Accessibility problems for the disabled, elderly, parents with prams etc
3. Servicing for shops and businesses without disruption to residents.
4. Adequate provision of buses in the area with safeguards against antisocial behaviour where night buses will be using stops in residential areas away from Oxford Street itself.

A press release issued  by the Better Oxford Street Campaign, which includes the Marylebone Association, expands on these views and can be found at

The consultation, which closes on 17 December, is at