Class 5 visited the Royal Albert Hall last Friday, to watch the matinee performance of Cirque du Soleil’s, Amaluna. This visit was part of our collaboration with Rolls Royce and the Royal Albert Hall as we will be partaking in the Evolution Project this term, along with several other primary schools across London.

Before we left, we discussed how this performance was loosely set on William Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The children were able to idenitfy similarities and difference between the play and this stage performance.

All the children thoroughly enjoyed the show and it definitely made a few of their jaws drop. The acrobats were fantastic and the engineering on the set had children having inquisitive discussions about certain aspects of the production.

The show definitely helped to inspire the class to start thinking about what aspect of the production set we would like to replicate, when the Rolls Royce engineers come to work with us.