During Art Week, Class 6  took part in the ‘Howzart’ inter-school art competition organised by Lord’s Cricket Ground. We produced paintings on the theme of ‘Women in Sport’. To our delight, we were judged to be the overall winner amongst all the schools for the fantastic quality of our class’s artwork and were awarded some art supplies for the school. We also had five first prize winners: Alex, Sasha, Sofia, Tommi and Ysabella. These lucky pupils will be attending the Women’s Cricket World Cup final later this year. Well done to all of our talented artists in the class- you have produced some inspirational artwork!

These were the comments from Lord’s and some of the judges:

“We have been amazed with the high standard of artwork produced by schools this year. It was refreshing to see the various interpretations of the subject matter and the range of sports and sports women depicted. The judges who included MCC Arts And Library Members that have an extensive professional background in Art, truly had a difficult time selecting winners, so much so that they have also selected some additional artwork to be awarded prizes. In addition, your class has been awarded Overall Winners. The judges were thoroughly impressed and found it very difficult to pick just the one winner. ” Yvonne Muigua, Lord’s Cricket Ground.

“I was very struck by the overall quality of the exhibits, but a number stood out because they demonstrated particularly good draughtsmanship, use of colour, design or originality. The overall winners( St Vincent!) had five or six pictures which would have been prize winners in any other class, and are to be congratulated. We identified four paintings in particular( two of which were from St Vincent)which showed extraordinary movement, style or use of colour yet answered the brief. Overall it was interesting to note that the pictures which stood out had made use of strong background colour or design.” Ricky Roundell, MCC Committee Member and Vice Chairman of Christie’s UK