Today we attended a special ceremony, with schools from across London, to collect our Gold STARS (Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe) award.

STARS is TfL’s accreditation scheme for London schools which aims to inspire young Londoners to travel to school sustainably, actively, responsibly and safely by championing walking. By achieving Gold we are now among the top 10% of London schools, setting high standards to inspire others to transform travel habits, fully engaging the wider community to promote best practices, and seeing a measurable reduction in the number of journeys made by car every day.

At the event our Junior Travel Ambassadors participated in workshops with role play and problem solving activities to help us to sustain our good practice and to keep moving forwards. We are going to try to become influencers by remembering the acronym EAST: Easy / Attractive / Social /Timely.

“It was very inspirational.” CL

“We learnt a lot about influencing people to become more eco friendly in the ways they come to school.”AO

“It helped us to learn more about reducing pollution whilst having fun.”EB

Well done to Mrs Gardner Sharp and our Junior Travel Ambassadors who have worked so hard to achieve this, with tremendous support from our pupils, parents, staff, governors and the wider community.