Today Miss Coleman was able to enjoy a very relaxing day as Mr Wagner kindly took over as Headteacher for the day!  Please read the newsletter below to find out how he enjoyed his day!


Dear St. Vincent’s,

Today, I was ‘Headteacher for the Day’. It has been a fun (but tiring!) experience for me.

The day started when I woke up, exited for the amazing day ahead of me. I went to school and joined in a meeting about Sayers Croft. Then I had my photo taken and went down to the hall to prepare for the Fruit Festival. Next I did the Late Book. Five children were late so I wrote their names in the book.

After that was the assembly! I helped Miss Coleman reveal the Art Week art work. They looked really nice. Then I introduced Kevin from Le Creuset who had tasted the fruit festival entries and had chosen the winners. I announced their names and also gave out certificates for the Stars of the Week. I also showed the punctuality chart-well done Year 2 who had zero lates last week! The assembly ended with our School Prayer led by myself. Then I had the opportunity to taste all of the Fruit Festival entries. They were delicious!

Miss Coleman had an important meeting so I took a well-earned break!

After that I visited every class and observed the children’s learning. It was interesting to see what they were doing.

Then I tasted the food for lunch. It was good. I helped Reception and Key Stage 1 to say Grace and I encouraged them to eat all of their food. Then I ate my own lunch with Key Stage 2 and went up to Break. After lunch, I was given £50 to spend on equipment for the school. I decided to order three footballs and three pairs of goalie gloves to be used for playtime and tournaments. The rest of the afternoon was spent writing this newsletter! I’m looking forward to giving out the Sun stickers at the end of the day.

Overall, this has been very, very fun day for me but it has been very tiring as well!

Click here to find out more about the auction and the range of items available, including Headteacher for the Day