Dear diary,

When everyone woke up we rushed to get to breakfast and had a lovely meal. After that we were ready to go hiking but our pack lunches got mixed up!
Luckily we are well behaved kids so we just took random sandwiches and got on with the process. When we went up pitch hill we saw loads of nature, such as hills covered in woodlands, streams and different animals.
After a 2 hour journey we finally got to the top, we were so tired but it paid off because the view was outstanding. At the top the hill we all had our lunch which was delicious.

After lunch we played fun games and all the teachers got very competitive. When the game finished Mrs Robinson’s team won the prize for the longest line and my team (led by Mrs Healy) won the prize for the straightest line.

On the way down we past fields of sheep and horses. We had to cut across a field with horses in and one took a liking to Mrs Robinson. It was the leaves that she was holding that attracted the horse!

In the evening we had a science lesson classifying the leaves we collected throughout the day. It was great fun working as a team and satisfying we were able to identify each leaf using the key we created-including the prickly ones!

I’m looking forward to tomorrow.


Dear diary,
Would I say yesterday was a good day? No… it was a great day!
We started the day off with breakfast, thank goodness it was tasty, otherwise we would have been famished. The reason I exclaimed my hunger terms with famished is that we walked up a hill, not any hill- Pitch Hill- as some quoted ‘The Mountain!’ It took absolutely ages. I thought that seeing it was only five miles up and down ‘The Mountain’ it would only take an hour or two. Not a whole five hours! It was worth the trek,stumble and fall included, for the view was impeccable. It was a race to the top, although some were not looking like survivors, that they were under the wrath of Pitch Hill.
Next up was swimming. It was outdoors but the pool looked very inviting and although it was a warm day the water was FREEZING! Within ten minutes we were swimmingly swimming. Jumping, splashing and letting all the energy out. That was a lot of energy! The pool was thriving with happy faces, well a total of 13.

Basically yesterday was amazing. A day to remember for years to come.

See ya later diary,