This week we welcomed Kathleen Gilbert from the Diocese of Westminster to support us in renewing Christian meditation across the school. Christian meditation is an ideal way to introduce a contemplative prayer life to both pupils and teachers. St. Paul in his letter to the Romans says that we do not know how to pray but the Spirit stays within us.

‘The love of God flooding our inmost heart through the Holy Spirit he has given us.‘ Romans 6:6

The experiences found in silent prayer and this approach to meditation are designed to help children enter into the mystery of the sacred, the heart of the true faith. Here is some of the feedback from the pupils:

“I feel nice,” OA, Nursery

“I feel better.” L, Nursery

“I was praying for Jesus and God.” CG, Reception

“I closed my eyes and I didn’t move or hear a single noise.”AR, Reception

“I feel new.” AM, Year 1

“I felt like Jesus was talking to me.” ME, Year 1

“I felt calm.” OC, Year 1

“I was surprised to hear noises I never noticed before.” MM, Year 1

“I could hear myself breathing.” MA, Year 1

“I felt relaxed and I just felt calm.” JN, Year 2

“I feel peaceful when I think about God and all his creations.” CR, Year 2

“I hear all the noises in the school but I block them out and I think about God and Jesus.” LO, Year 2

“It was really relaxing    after lunch time. It feels good in your heart.” LS, Year 3

“If I am angry with someone, I meditate for 5 minutes and then I’m not angry anymore so I can go and play with the people I was angry with.” CC, Year 3

“I feel better and it helps me forget all the things that happen at playtime.” MJ, Year 3

“It made me feel free.” ES, Year 4

“It made me feel back to normal.” AC, Year 4

“When I closed my eyes, I asked God how I could worship him more.” TB, Year 4

“It makes me feel calm and it gives me private time with Jesus. I actually picture Jesus when I close my eyes. I really like it.” FS, Year 5

“Whenever I meditate, it makes me feel like I’m walking up to heaven. Also, when I see heaven I am welcomed with joy by God. That’s what I picture when I meditate.” WS, Year 5

“I like meditating. Sometimes I even do it at home when I am angry. I picture the door of heaven when I close my eyes. I feel calm and it reminds me that I’m a child of God.” HN, Year 5

“It was really nice to relax for a bit and focus on God.” JC. Year 6

“I felt closer to God and I blocked out all the noise.” AJ, Year 6

“It felt really nice because whatever happened at playtime it made us forget it. It helped us to focus on our work better too. I think we should do it more often.” JL, Year 6