Design and Technology


Our Topic this term is: Journeys and Transport.

Over the past few weeks, we have been creating moving pictures.

We worked in small groups and discussed which parts of our picture we would want to move to make the picture come alive and show what is happening. We created our own backgrounds then decided what images will be important for that picture.  We made lever mechanisms and used straws to move a part of our picture. Some of us went on to make wheel mechanisms, too.

We had to make loads of decisions during the process, such as:

  • What the picture will be about
  • What images the picture will contain
  • How the images will be arranged
  • Which part of the picture will move
  • How the moving part will move
  • The mechanism to use to get this movement ( a lever mechanism or a wheel mechanism)
  • Additional details to improve the picture (using felt tip pens or by sticking on found materials such as buttons)

When we completed our pictures we made brief comments to the class about the movements achieved and quality of construction.

We then evaluated our pictures by asking ourselves these questions:

  • Was the picture about what it was supposed to be about?
  • Did the picture contain the images it was supposted to contain?
  • Were the images arranged as they were supposed to be arranged?
  • Did the part of the picture move that was supposed to move?
  • Did the  moving part move as it was supposed to?
  • Did you use the mechanism you were supposed to?
  • Did you add the additional details you were supposed to?
  • How could you make the moving picture look better?
  • How could you make the moving picture work better?
  • How could you make the moving picture last longer?

We know that it is important to think about how to get better at design and technology and that we did this by discussing the following questions:

  • What did you enjoy most?
  • What did you find easy?
  • What did you find difficult?
  • What did you get better at?
  • Did you help each other?
  • What could have been done better? How could these things be done better?

Here are some photos of our moving pictures:

DSC03374 DSC03375 DSC03376 DSC03377 DSC03378 DSC03382 DSC03383 DSC03384 DSC03385 DSC03386 DSC03387 DSC03388 DSC03389 DSC03390 DSC03391 DSC03392 DSC03393 DSC03395 DSC03396 DSC03397 DSC03398 DSC03399 DSC03400 DSC03401 DSC03402 DSC03403 DSC03404 DSC03405 DSC03406