We are having a wonderful time at Sayers Croft. Please read our diary entries to find out more…

Tuesday 6th September 2016

Dear Diary,
I just woke up and we’ve got a big day ahead of us!
But first you need to know what we did yesterday…

We arrived at Sayers Croft – eventually! After we had settled in,
making our beds, stuffing clothes in the cupboard and presenting
ourselves for bed inspection by Mrs Robinson…then the fun began!

First we had compass orienteering, followed by map orienteering.
I was working with Hector and we started off competing against
Tommy and Jose, seeing who could track each location in
Sayers Croft before the other pair did. Hector and I beat them to it,
but just barely managed for they had misplaced a name for one
of the locations.

Later after that, we had the ‘Amazing Mazes!’
So, I’m pretty sure you know what we did! We went through
mazes…but with a twist! This time each pair had to code break
a 12 letter code making up a sentence (spaces not included).
But to discover the letter we had to find the number in the maze.

In the end we had great fun and continued our day, ending with
a relaxing evening of hot chocolate.

See you later diary, A.


Tuesday 6th September 2016

Dear diary,
On Monday we went to Sayers Croft. It was really welcoming, even if we arrived late, and so far we’ve had a great time. When we explored the site we found out that we were the only school here so we had the whole camp to ourselves!
Our first activity was wood compass which involved finding our way through the wood using a compass, which we first had to learn how to use. A new skill learnt! I enjoyed it very much because we got to use our new skills and compete against everyone else.
When the last rays of sunlight disappeared,we went on a amazing night walk in the gloomy woods.We played games and heard many animal sounds.We also saw a leopard slug and a huge black beetle. And this wonderful day ended with hot chocolate and a prayer.