Year 6 took part in a fascinating workshop about modern day slavery, organised by the charities Just Enough U.K. and Caritas. We have learnt about how slavery in Britain was made illegal in 1833 as part of our ‘Freedom and Slavery’ project, but were shocked to discover that there are more slaves now than at any other time during history. Between 30-35 million people worldwide (including 5.5 million children and more than 13,000 people in the United Kingdom) are slaves- in other words, they are controlled or owned by others and forced to work for nothing. We took part in Drama activities which helped us to understand more about how people might be forced into being slaves. We also learnt how to recognise someone who might be a slave and found out how it is important to report any suspicions immediately to a trusted adult who can then call the police or the Modern Slavery helpline on 0800 0121 700.

What we learnt from the workshop:

“I have also learnt how it might feel like to be like a slave”

“William Wilberforce banned slavery in 1833, but people still were involved in slavery”

“There are more slaves now than ever before”

“There are 30-35 million slaves and the people who own the slaves get £22 billion and they don’t pay the slaves”

“One person can make a difference to slavery”

“This lesson was excellent and I learnt loads of things and it has all stuck in my mind”

“I think we should have more workshops to learn more and save the world”

“I would like to say thank you to Just Enough UK for teaching us about this :-)”