Good morning Year 1!

Our new RE topic is Pentecost: The Feast of the Holy Spirit

I will be asking you a big question today for you to think about, but first I want you to understand the topic of Pentecost a little more.

We will begin by talking about holidays and special holy days in the Church’s year. Later in this topic I will teach you the story of Pentecost. If you would like to read the Bible story about Pentecost you could use your Bible. Look up John 14:15-31. Ask an adult to help you.

Have a think about this question. You can talk about it with your grown ups too.

Why are holidays different from ordinary days? 

We might take holidays at home but we may do something different.

This is painting of Pentecost. It was painted by an artist called Titian. What do you see in the painting?







22 comments on “20.4.20 RE Big question

  1. I see people and shining light at the top of the building.

  2. Holidays are different because we work less and we can rest with our family!

    I see some bright light on top of the people! I also see Mary in the middle. The bright light on top of the people is the Holy spirit represented by a dove!

  3. On ordinary days you go to school and parents work all day, on holidays you free go anywhere, travel and play with your toys.

    I see a shining bird on the painting and think a new born king.

  4. I see a dove with shinning light coming on to the people. I see Mary and the diciples and it looks like they are trying to catch the light from the holy spirit.

  5. Miss Travers says:

    Well done everyone! You are right, the bird is a dove and it is a symbol of the holy spirit.

  6. I see a bright light coming from a dove. My mum told me that the dove symbolises the Holy Spirit.

  7. Miss Travers says:

    Well done, that’s correct!

  8. Holidays are special because we think about Jesus and why we should be kind and grateful to our friends. We have lots of time to relax and play.

  9. Miss Travers says:

    Excellent Flavia, well done!

  10. I can see a dove in the light of Jesus and it’s shining on all of the people. The spirit is coming out of their heads and I think Jesus is going to come back from Heaven and shine on everyone and tell them the he is in their hearts.

  11. I predict holidays are different to ordinary days because I rest more, i go on the train to visit my family. Everyone has more time to do some nice things and doesn’t have to do writing. Whay hay.

    I see Mary and the disciples with a dove and light above them.

  12. Holidays are different to the ordinary days because in the ordinary days we don’t stay at home but we do some learning or working. And in holidays we can play video games, play with toys, go to the beach and play with mum and dad.
    I can see Mary, the disciples and the Holy Spirit coming down from the sky and the disciples were speaking in the angels languages or different languages.

  13. Hello Miss Travers!
    In the painting I see Mary, I think Mary Magdalene and the disciples They are inside a big room with the Holy Spirit at the top of the room shown as a dove ?.

    Holidays are different because not the same thing happens.

  14. Hello Miss Travers!
    In the painting I see Mary, I think Mary Magdalene and the disciples They are inside a big room with the Holy Spirit at the top of the room shown as a dove ?.

    Holidays are different because we remember different things.

  15. About holidays:
    In a normal day we go to school and have scheduled activities. On holidays we can be more relaxed. We don’t have as many obligations on holidays. We don’t have homework on holidays and we can travel sometimes.
    About the painting:
    I see a bird flying with lots of light. It looks like a church. I see lots of people and I think the one in the middle is Mary. I can see the floor with some circles and diamonds. People are lifting their hands to the light and the bird. I think the bird is bringing love, peace and joy.

  16. Miss Travers says:

    Well done everyone! You have thought about the question well! The painting shows Pentecost. This is when Jesus sent down the holy spirit from heaven to His disciples and lots of flames appeared above their heads. They could then speak in lots of different languages. On Wednesday I will set you an RE activity about this.

  17. In this painting I can see the disciples and Mary and a dove is above them. The shining light is the Holy Spirit that Jesus told them about.

  18. I can see the holy light .

  19. Holidays are different because we don’t go to school and usually we go in an other house and we see some family.

  20. Holidays are different because we work more on ordinary days cause we are going to school. And during the holidays we rest and relax. We can also travel.
    In the picture I see light, a dove, people, pretty walls. The people seem to try to reach the light that the dove brings.

  21. Holidays are different to ordinary days because you are sometimes in a different country and it’s hotter than home. On holidays you spend time with friends and family playing games and going swimming.

    In the picture there is a bird making lots of light and I think it is the holy spirit. The disciples are looking up at the holy spirit.

  22. Good morning Miss Travers,
    Holidays are special because we are with our family. We think more about Jesus because we have less work to do.
    In the painting I see Mary and the disciples in a room that is locked. At the top of the painting there is a dove which shows the Holy Spirit.

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