Good morning Class 4!

Today in maths we will be looking at multiplication!

Workbook: 4A
Chapter: 3
Worksheets: 1 and 2

There are a number of resources below that can help us to keep practising our times tables.

Some useful links:–ks2-what-is-multiplication/z68fbd

Times Table Websites:

Printable Sheets:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3

It is important that we continue to review our times tables as we can apply it to so many different topics in maths to help us.

Have a look at the question below:

There are 6 flowers in each pot and there are 4 pots.

Think of multiplication as groups of the same number.
So, this question is asking what is 4 groups of 6? 
We write it as 4 x 6.

Top Tips:
1.) If you find a times table tricky, use the times tables which you already know to help you.
For example, if you’re not confident in your 6’s but you know your 3’s:

Remember that 6 is double 3 so we can skip every other number in our 3 times tables like this…
Instead of 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30
We can do 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30…

2.) Look for patterns in times tables to help you remember…

For example, the 6 times tables always end with 0, 6, 2, 8 or 4.

So, the answer to the question is: 6 x 4 = 24

Try this next one:

We can use what we know to help us work out multiplication questions.
if we know 2 x 7 = 14, we can just add 7 more to work out the answer to 3 x 7.

14 + 7 = 21 so that means 3 x 7 = 21.

Still need some help?
Click on the help sheets below for further explanation and support.
Worksheet 1 Help
Worksheet 2 Help


Want a challenge?
Try this multiplication challenge from the Primary Shakespeare Company all about Prospero’s tempest spell:
Prospero Multiplication Challenge


Good luck and enjoy!

From Miss Lee 🙂

25 comments on “Maths – 27/04/20

  1. All done (including challenge) and sheets in folder.

  2. Well done!

  3. Miss can you give us the worksheek link please.

  4. The answer is 4×6=24
    and 3×7=21

  5. Hello Miss Lee
    Question 1:
    question 2:
    I have also done the maths no problem worksheets on my yellow workbook

  6. hello miss lee

    question 1:


    question 2:


  7. Lessons and timed test completed with ease.

  8. Done in yellow folder.
    Challenge too.

  9. Miss lee I have sent my work to the office from maths no problem


  10. Hello everyone,
    Well done to those of you who have completed the worksheets. It is great that some of you have even had a go at the challenge!
    Some of you have pointed out that we have completed these worksheets at school. You’re right, we have done these worksheets at school but as we have covered all maths topics we are now revising everything!
    But the end of this week we will have progressed onto more challenging multiplication questions and word problems but for today it will be helpful for us to review some of our times tables ready for the week ahead!

    I wonder if anyone has beat their personal best on the times table challenge?

  11. Miss Lee I have done it on the 1st October 2019

  12. I have also done the yellow folder challenge

  13. all done.

    1 .4 x 6=24

    2. 3 x 7 =21

  14. Hi Miss Lee,
    I have done the maths no problem pages and written the answers in my yellow book.

  15. Great well done!

  16. Done ✅

  17. Lucy??‍♀️ says:

    Done ✅ my maths ? and I am going to bed ?.

  18. Well done Lucy! You must be tired!
    It seems strange to say good night as it is only 2:40 in the afternoon here! If we were at school we would be finishing out last lesson right now!

  19. All done my maths

  20. Hello Miss Lee,
    I have done the worksheets and practiced my times tables with my rainbow ?, at home.
    I have done my 6s and my 7s and I hope you keep doing your xs tables at home.

  21. Great to hear Elisa!

  22. Completed. Thx Miss Lee.

  23. Well done, and you’re welcome!

  24. Miss Lee,
    It was a lot of homework! But I did finish it, I was exhausted. I finished the Math No Problem, including the printable sheets and the challenge.
    Hope all of you have a great day!

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