What is your favourite part of the Advent Wreath? Don’t forget to tell us why it is your favourite!

15 comments on “Advent

  1. My favourite part of the Advent Wreath is the Evergreen leaves because they represent the ever lasting love that God has for us.

  2. My favourite part of the Advent wreath is the ever lasting green leaves because God’s love never ends.

  3. My favourite part of the advent wreath is the white candle because it represents that it’s Christmas!

  4. My favourite part of the advent wreath is the pink candle because it represents the fourth Sunday of Advent.

  5. My next favourite part of the Advent wreath is the white candle because it means it is Christmas Day. My second favourite candle is the pink one because it is the week before Christmas. My third favourite is the last purple candle because it is the final week of Advent.

  6. My favourite bit about Advent is the never ending circle because Gods loves never ends.

  7. I agree with Elly- the never ending circle never stops loving. My favourite part about the never ending circle is that it means that God never stops loving, even when you do something wrong but you need to say sorry.

  8. My favourite part of the wreath is the white candle because that means that Jesus has been born in a simple stable and it also means that it is Christmas.

  9. My favourite part of the Advent wreath is the never ending circle because
    that means that God always loves us.

  10. My favourite part of Advent wreath is the never ending circle because it means that Gods love never ends.

  11. I love the wreath because it means Gods love never ends.

  12. I agree with Charlie P, the never ending circle is very important but I
    like the second candle because it leads us closer to Christmas when
    Jesus was born.

  13. My favourite part of the Advent wreath is the ever green leaves because it means that Gods love never ends.

  14. My favorite part is the evergreen leaves because they keep on growing just like God’s love increasing.

  15. My favourite part of the advent wreath is the ever green leaves because it shows that the love of God never ends.

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