Dear parents and pupils,

Our new homework system has been in place for a term now and it would be great to know your thoughts about how it is working. Please let us know the positive elements of the new homework system and any suggestions for improvement. Your feedback is always greatly appreciated. Thank you.

18 comments on “Class 1 Homework Feedback

  1. I really enjoy my homework.

  2. I enjoy the spellings. When mummy first tests me I might get one or two wrong but by the time my spelling test comes, I know them all.
    I like the creative homework. It’s more fun when I draw or make things but it is a bit hard when I have to write things.
    Mathletics is a bit hard and then sometimes easy. I like Studyladder.

  3. Mathletics is quite easy and I enjoy it. I like the timed races on Mathletics. It is my favourite. I like Studyladder because it is really fun. When I get my spellings I might get one wrong but then I practice before the test and then I know them. I like the creative homework because it is fun writing and drawing and making things.

  4. I like the way the homework is now. Thank you for the homework we have.

  5. Miss Coleman says:

    Thank you Elsa, Regan, Erin and Miryam, it’s lovely to have such positive feedback about the homework.

  6. I love my homework.

  7. Miss Coleman says:

    Thank you Theo-we are so pleased that children are enjoying their homework!

  8. I like writing but I don’t like Mathletics because some questions are tricky. I also like spellings because I learn to write new words and I also enjoy Studyladder.

  9. Miss Coleman says:

    Thank you for your feedback Lavinia. Hopefully the Mathletics work will become easier the more you practise.

  10. Regan and Erins mum! says:

    I know you have asked for parents feedback too so here goes….

    It is very helpful that at the beginning of each term we know what will be coming up over the next few weeks. I also like the routine of the homework – we know what to expect and can work it around other things.

    We much prefer having two reading books each Friday and keeping them over the weekend when both my husband and I are around to help.

    I like the fact that the creative tasks are optional and the girls choose to do ones that they enjoy. It is good that some are very quick exercises and others are more involved – you can choose depending on what you have time for that week.

    My girls have used Study Ladder a bit and whilst they think it’s fun I’m not sure how much work they actually do on it. There is so much information on it that I think they spend most of their time just navigating their way around the site. There is an overwhelming choice of things – most of them too easy or too hard.

    Mathletics tasks can really vary in terms of difficulty. Last weeks were tricky and we looked at this weeks tasks earlier today and again they seemed hard. That said, what I do like about Mathletics is that there are very clear tasks set by yourself so we know what the children should be doing or should be aiming towards.

    We do read Wednesday Word but I do not think the girls understand the stories or the message that they are trying to convey.

    Thank you!

  11. Miss Coleman says:

    Thank you Regan and Erin’s mum, you are the first parent to share their thoughts about the homework system on the website blog. Your feedback is really appreciated and will be used to help us in our review. We will look at how we can simplify the Wednesday Word for Key Stage 1 pupils.

  12. Elsa's mum says:

    I know Elsa has already written how she feels about the homework but thought I would give some feedback too 🙂

    I agree with Erin and Regan’s mum that I find that the mathletics activities vary in terms of complexity. Some of the tasks have seemed quite hard, which then impacts on Elsa’s confidence, as she then needs support completing them. However, mostly Elsa really enjoys mathletics especially it’s structure and being able to gain points and certificates. I think it would be good to have some maths worksheets (on paper) given out occasionally, as an alternative to online learning.

    Elsa loves the creativity homework and is often more enthusiastic about this than the mathletics and spellings, so I am glad that the creative activities are optional.

    I feel that the homework routine works really well, especially having two reading books given out on a Friday.

    Elsa has used Study Ladder a bit but I think there does seem to be a lot of content on there and it’s hard to gauge what level of activity she should be trying.

    Finally we do read the Wednesday Word together and often Elsa prefers to do the activities within it such as the word search.

    Thanks so much.

  13. Miss Coleman says:

    Thank you Elsa’s mum, this is useful feedback. There seems to be some confusion about Study Ladder as this is not part of the school’s homework plan so Mrs Avdiu will send a letter home to parents to clarify.

  14. I like the homework because I think it’s really fun and my favourite part is Mathletics.

  15. I love my homework.

  16. I love my homework and my favourite is mathletics.

  17. I love mathletics too.

  18. Sebastiao says:

    I like my homework because I can do my spellings properly. I like the task because it is great fun. I enjoy mathletics.

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