
Recognising how words are built up will help you to spell them.

Yesterday, we looked at prefixes which are added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.

Today we are going to explore suffixes which are added to the end of a word to change its meaning.

e.g. the suffix ling=a little one

So…duckling means a little duck!

Some suffixes have specific uses. Adding ‘ing’ can change a noun into a verb eg ‘garden’ to ‘gardening‘. While ‘ed’ can put a verb in the past tense eg ‘jump’ to ‘jumped‘.

Click here to find out more!


Research the following suffixes. Find out what each suffix means and write down at least three examples below!

  • ology
  • graph
  • port
  • ation
  • ment


Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy 🙂

17 comments on “Daily SPAG-26th March

  1. Jeanne Yr 6 says:

    ology – the study of- mammalogy – study of mammals

    ment – the act of doing something or the result of a action – abridgment

    port – carry – transport

    ation – result of an action or process – hibernation

    graph – to write – paragraph

  2. Miss Gorick says:

    Great work Jeanne 🙂 you were very quick with your answer!

  3. Ology : relating to animals andplants
    (e.g biology, technology, ecology)

    Graph: product of drawing or writing
    ( e.g hemophotograph, photograph,monograph)

    Port: To carry
    (e.g transport , teleport, import)

    Ation: action/process
    (e.g collaboration, communication, inspiration)

    Ment: act of
    (e.g assignment, encouragement, management

  4. Photo-graph

  5. Auto-graph

  6. Jade year6 says:

    Ology- the study of something-pharmacology,technology and planetology.

    Graph- written-paragraph,photograph and micrograph

    Port- to carry-transport,passport and teleport.

    Ation-the result of an action-creation,animation and conversation.

    Ment-the denote of a resulting state-abandonment,accomplishment and abolishment.

  7. auto- biology

    auto- graph


  8. Microbiology, phonograph, import, vibration, amusement

    ology graph port ation ment

  9. -ology: the teaching of, e.g. microbiology, anthropology

    -graph: to write, e.g. phonograph, photograph

    -port: to carry, e.g. export, import

    -ation: an action or process, e.g. hibernation, conversation

    -ment: the result of a certain process, e.g. abridgement, fragment

  10. Ology means- the study (often of mammals).
    E.g. Biology

    Graph means- something written or drawn in a specified way.
    E.g. Photograph

    Port means- to carry
    E.g. Transport

    Ation means- action
    E.g. Mention

    Ment means- doing something (act)
    E.g. Statement

  11. Ology – a subject of study.
    (E.g technology, biology, ecology)

    Graph – to write.
    (E.g paragraph, autograph, photograph)

    Port – to carry.
    (E.g transport, import, teleport)

    Ation – the result of a process
    (E.g teleportation, creation, animation)

    Ment – the act of doing something
    (E.g assignment, accomplishment, encouragement)

  12. Miss Gorick says:

    Thank you Alfie!

  13. Ation- the result of a process (long or short)

    Ment- acting out a will

    Graph- to write

    Ology- a subject of study

    Port- to carry

  14. Miss Gorick says:

    Well done all of you-I am impressed!
    I think it is really interesting to discover that each suffix has a different meaning-it makes words make more sense!

  15. Para-graph

  16. • Ology

    A subject of study (e.g) pharmacology – the subject of medicine

    • Graph
    To write (e.g) cartograph – to make maps and charts

    • Port
    To carry (e.g) rapport –when two people a good understanding and can communicate well with each other.

    • Ation
    The act of doing something (e.g ) aspiration – a personal goal that you want to achieve

    • Ment
    The result of an action (e.g) embankment – recall the past

  17. ology-branch of knowledge, science (e.g biology, physiology and astronology)
    graph-instrument for recording; that which writes, marks, or describes (e.g autograph, paragraph and photograph)
    port-to carry (e.g airport, transport and teleport)
    ation-ending of some nouns of action (e.g equation, pulverisation and aspiration)
    ment-it forms nouns (e.g instrument, document and comment)

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