
These are groups of letters that are added to the front of some words, to make a new word and change the meaning.

Choose four of the words below that can made into new words when ‘un‘ is added in front of them:

able         screw        sad       fair

angry      lonely     choose    lucky

Write some sentences with these new words in them. Can you think of other words which have the ‘un’ prefix?

19 comments on “Daily SPaG – Thursday 26th March

  1. Dear Miss Carruthers,

    The words are:- unable, unscrew, unfair and unlucky.

    1. I am unable to fly in a helicopter at night.
    2. The car’s wheel got unscrewed.
    3. It is unfair that I can’t go outside.
    4. I am unlucky, because I lost at football.

    Other words are: unkind, unhelpful, unhealthy, unwell, untidy and unsafe.


  2. Miss Carruthers says:

    Great sentences Sophia! For sentence 4 you don’t need a comma before ‘because’.

    It is a bit unfair that we can’t go outside, but it is to keep everyone safe at the moment. We’ll get to go outside again soon!

  3. Dear Miss Carruthers,
    The words are: unscrew, unlucky, unfair and unable.
    1. I was unlucky because I was unable to see the fox crossing the road this morning ?.
    2. It was unfair because I couldn’t I unscrew the lid of my lunchbox!
    Other words: Unhappy, unhealthy, unbelievable, unreal, unpleasant.

  4. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done for getting two ‘un’ words in each sentence!

  5. unable


  6. Miss Carruthers says:

    Excellent words Rex. Can you write any of these words in a sentence?

  7. Madeleine Yr2 says:


    The maths today was uneasy.
    The cornovirus is unusual.
    I was unwell because I had the cornovirus.
    It was unfair because I was not allowed films.

  8. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done for finding lots of ‘un’ words.

    We wouldn’t say that ‘The maths today was uneasy’. Even though that is technically correct, in this instance the ‘un’ changes the meaning of the word. We would say that ‘The maths was hard’.

    It can be very confusing because there are exceptions to every rule!

  9. Good Morning,

    Other words I can think of are: undressed, unconscious, unforgettable, unforgivable.

    I quickly got undressed.
    He was unconscious because he was in surgery.
    Everything was unforgettable in my brain. ?

  10. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant sentences Kristian.

  11. Dear Miss Carruthers,
    The words are: unscrew, unlucky, unfair and unable

    My sentences are:
    1. I was unable to unscrew the lid of the jam jar.
    2. It’s unfair!
    3. I’m always unlucky!

    My words are:
    unlikely, uncool, unhappy, unwell, unbelievable,

  12. Dear Miss Carruthers,
    If you add un to a word it will be the opposite of what it was before.

    Please look below for my answers.
    1.Unable: the girl can’t ride a bike.

    2.Unscrew: the the boy said take that screw out!

    3.Unfair: the teams were unfair.

    4.Unlucky: Oh no that was unlucky.

  13. Dear Miss Carruthers
    My words are unable, unscrew, unfair and unlucky.
    Please look below for my answers.
    1. I was unable to count to 100.
    2. I could unscrew a nail.
    3. It is always unfair.
    4. I was unlucky to get the trophy.

  14. Dear Miss Carruthers,
    My words are: unable, unscrew, unfair, unhappy and unlucky.
    Please look ? below to find my words.
    1. I was unable to count to 1000?.
    2. I could unscrew a nail?.
    3. It is always unfair☹️.
    4. My friends ? ? were unhappy ☹️ .
    5. I was unlucky for getting the trophy ?☹️.

  15. Dear Miss Carruthers,
    My words are: unable, unscrew, unfair, unhappy and unlucky.
    Please look ? below to find my words.
    1. I was unable to count to 1000?.
    2. l could unscrew a screw?.
    3. It is always unfair☹️.
    4. My friends ? ? were unhappy ☹️ .
    5. I was unlucky that I did not win the race and getting the trophy ?☹️.

  16. 1. I was unable to unscrew the light bulb because I am so little.
    2. It is so unfair that we can not go to school.
    3. I didn’t score, I’m so unlucky.

    Unhappy, untied, unfriendly, unhelpful.

  17. Unable
    I was unable to peel my banana.?
    I unscrew the bolt in the door.??
    It’s so unfair that I have to do homework. ?
    My mum is unlucky because she can’t eat cake. ?

  18. Isabella & Emilia says:

    Dear Miss Carruthers,

    I am unable to hug my friends.
    I unscrewed the top of my water bottle.
    We are unlucky because we couldn’t perform the Tempest by William Shakespeare.


  19. Sophie Ma says:

    Unscrew, unable, unfair and unlucky

    1. It was unfair because she was not playing the game properly.
    2. I had to unscrew the toy to put batterys in it.
    3. I was unlucky at a claw machine because I didn’t get a teddy.
    4. She is unable to go to school because she is sick.
    unhappy, undo, unplug and unheard.

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