Design & Technology Task

Click HERE for a printable version of this task

During our Design & Technology topic ‘cooking and nutrition,’ we have designed and made a healthy snack and we have made and shared a recipe for a classic food dish.

For our cooking and nutrition topic we will continue to learn the following skills:

-I can choose the right ingredients for a product.
-I can keep safe in the kitchen and use equipment safely.
-I can make sure that my product looks attractive.
-I can describe how my combined ingredients come together.
Today we will focus on:
Food hygiene and how to keep safe in the kitchen.

1. Watch the video below which introduces food safety!

Be careful when you click on the video as sometimes things pop up. Always ask an adult for help with this.

2. Read and find out MORE about food hygiene and how to keep safe in the kitchen HERE.

3. Now look at the image below, write down all of the dangers you can spot in the kitchen.

4. Read Mr Bakewell’s problem above. Design a poster to keep safe in the kitchen. When you design your poster, make sure you look back at all of the information you found out and include important rules for keeping safe and hygienic in the kitchen. Your poster should stand out and be easy to read!

Click HERE for see an example of a food safety poster.

Good luck! Remember to send in a photo of your work so I can display it on the blog!

Finally click HERE to watch an interesting video about the importance of handwashing in food hygiene.

36 comments on “Design and Technology Task – 11.6.20

  1. I can spot that the fridge is left open and it might explode and a bit of water is spilled on the toaster. The cooking oven door is open while you are cooking is dangerous you and the food might not cook properly and it will waist electricity. A bit of water is on the floor you may slip.

  2. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Reuben, now have a go at making your own poster to keep safe in the kitchen 🙂

  3. Hi Miss Jones,

    I’ve done my poster on “google drawings”, you shall see it soon!

  4. Miss Jones says:

    Great poster Julian! It is clear and easy to read. I think it would be very helpful to display your poster in Mr Bakewell’s kitchen!

  5. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Celestine for completing your poster! It is colourful and has some important safety information 🙂

  6. Hi Miss Jones
    These are my reasons why the kitchen is unsafe :
    1 . Lots of mess
    2 . Oven open
    3 . Fridge open
    4 . Things on the cooktop
    5 . Water on the floor
    6. Burned food
    7 . Toys on the floor
    8 . Broken cupboard
    9 . Cupboard open with fragile cups
    10 . Cupboard open with dangerous chemicals

  7. Miss Jones says:

    Well spotted Penelope! You might like to use your ideas to help you make your poster about keeping safe!

  8. ????? ??? says:

    Task 1.
    1. The tin because you can cut your self because of the sharp edges.
    2. The fridge because the cold air would be coming out of the fridge and the food or drinks can go bad.
    3. The toaster because it might be broken and you can electric shot yourself.
    4. The cups because they might fall out and there might be bits of glass on the floor and cut your toe.
    5. The toys and the water of the floor because you might slip on the water or on the toys.
    6. The knives lying around because you should put them away because you can cut yourself.
    7. The matches and the hot water because you can set the house on fire.
    8. The towel because it’s next to the cooker.
    9. Lastly, the cooker was left open and again you can set the house on fire

  9. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Angie, what might happen to the towel if it is left by the cooker?

  10. I can spot the fridge open. I can see that the book is nearly on the boiler and it could cause a fire. I can see that the oven is open. I can see that the water has spilt a little bit on the floor so you might slip.

  11. Miss Jones says:

    Well spotted Chloe H 🙂 Thanks for sending in your work, your poster is superb! You have added so much detail, keep up the good work!

  12. I can spot that the fridge is left open and the cold might come out and it would explode, there is a cupboard is left open, in the cupboard there is a bottle of something that might spill on the floor.
    There are dirty dishes in the sink and there are toys on the floor that you might trip on.

  13. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Ophelia, if the fridge is left open what do you think would happen to the food?

  14. The cooker door is open
    Water and toys on the floor
    Fridge door open
    Cupboard door open
    Unwashed dishes in the sink
    Cupboard door falling off
    Tin food opened and not covered
    Water near electricity
    Cooker hob unsupervised
    Book on cooker top
    Sharp knife on worktop on work top edge
    Paper towel near hot hob
    Book on cooker

  15. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Ethan, what might some of the consequences be as a result of these dangers?

  16. Sebastian says:

    The fridge has been left open
    An open tin can left on the counter it could be sharp and cut you.
    Water spilled near the toaster and plug point, this is dangerous!
    Knives very close to the edge.
    Work surface in Not clean or tidy!
    There is a box or something left near the hot plate on the stove.
    water of the floor. you could slip on it or the blocs and ball.

    My dad once ate a pheasant burger and he found a pice shot ( thats the bullets used to bird shooting) in it! YUK!

  17. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Sebastian, you have shared what could happen as a result of the dangers! Oh no really! That sounds terrible!

  18. Matthias says:

    1. The hobs are not off so the house might set fire.
    2. There is water so someone might slip and hurt themselves.
    3. The toaster’s wire is on water so the wire might break.
    4. The fridge is open so it’s a waste of electricity.

  19. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Matthias 🙂

  20. Clémence says:

    Task 1
    1. Fridge open
    2. Open cupboard with flammable object
    3. Dirty on the kitchen top
    4. Open cupboard with cups nearly falling over
    5. Pan handle and knives edging from the work top where you could cut yourself or send bacteria flying in the air.
    6. Open oven
    7. Book near switched on oven which could burn and set a fire.
    8. Open tin can where you can cut yourself.
    9. Toys lying on the ground you could trip and bonk your head
    10. Water on the ground where you could trip
    11. Dirty water and unwashed dishes where bacteria could spread and people might be sick
    12. The toaster is broken

  21. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Clemence, you have spotted lots of dangers and recognised the consequences!

  22. I hope you liked my poster Miss Jones!

  23. Miss Jones says:

    Excellent poster Orla! It is very bold and stands out well! 🙂

  24. Gabriella says:

    Lot of mess
    Oven and fridge open
    Warter and toys on the floor.
    Mess on the cooker
    books on the counter.
    Cupboards open

  25. Miss Jones says:

    What might happen as a result of these things Gabriella?

  26. Miss Jones says:

    Penelope, please upload your work again as it didn’t come through thank you! 🙂

  27. Miss Jones says:

    Well done with your poster Chloe K, you have included lots of detail about how to keep safe!

  28. Miss Jones says:

    Super poster Helena, your poster is clear and bold and would be very helpful to put up in Mr Bakewell’s kitchen.

  29. Miss Jones says:

    Great poster Emi! It is bold and clear! 🙂

  30. Karolina says:

    Hi miss ??
    1. The fridge is open.
    2. On the cooker stands hot water and a book lies on it.
    3. The floor is wet.
    4. There are toys on the floor.
    5. The oven is open.
    6. Broken cabinet.
    7. Lots of clutter.
    8. Sharp objects are lying on the table .
    9. Open cupboards with cups are on the side.
    These are dangerous things that I saw in the picture.

  31. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Karolina, it is really important to be aware of the dangers to prevent an accident!

  32. 1.oven door open
    2.fridge left open
    3.a knife pointing on the edge of the table.
    4. Cook book left on the stove.
    5. Stove left on not in use.
    6.water spilled on floor,can slip.
    7 .Toys on floor that that you could trip on
    8. Top cupboard door left open .can hit your head.

  33. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Jiana, you have spotted lots of dangers! Super effort with your poster, it is really bright and clear 🙂

  34. Miss Jones says:

    Great poster Clemence! 🙂

  35. Miss Jones says:

    Super poster Ethan! I like how you did it on the computer!

  36. Miss Jones says:

    Great poster Eugenia, very detailed 🙂

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