Good morning Year 6!

Today’s focus is : Spelling and Handwriting

Today we’re going to practise some spellings and our handwriting. We’re looking at words from the Year 5 and 6 spelling (click here).

This website helps to learn how to spelling these words and has some games you can practise.


Have a look at the words below, practise writing them in your book and then, If you can, ask your sibling or parent to test you!

How many did you get right?


On the Blog, write a short paragraph or a short narrative including all of the words above.  Plan your sentences first to ensure that they makes sense before publishing it!
When you’re practising your handwriting, remember to start and finish your letters in the right place, sit the letters on the line and remember which ones are tall and which ones hang below the line.

As today is not my usual working day, Miss Carruthers will kindly respond to you on the blogs.

Good luck with learning your spellings today!

Mrs Avdiu xx

Printer-friendly version: Wednesday Spelling blog

18 comments on “English – Spelling & Handwriting (Wed 10.6.20)

  1. My Dad had a profession of programming and he recommends using his programme so people can learn more about coding and can recognize the key facts. There are relevant things you can do in a programme such as build a restaurant or make a rhythm and maybe even a virtual rhyme. Be quick to check it out because there will be a long queue to get the programme!

  2. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant Aryan 🙂 Well done for using so many spelling words in your paragraph.

  3. Elly(●'◡'●) says:

    I got all my spellings right apart from relevant which is spelt like this; relevent.
    I have written it like a speech at the court discussing about trees.
    I hope you enjoy.
    Hello my name is Scarlet Grey,My profession is that we need to stop killing and burning down trees for our own needs. I have created a programme about what people are doing to the trees. I will be bewildered and angry if you do not see what they are doing is wrong. I would recommend using products that do not come from trees also it would be relevant to the meeting that I am hosting through zoom on Friday at 10 am which is about products including tree damage. Everyone is thinking that I am talking nonsense and got this idea from a nursery rhyme but I assure you that we will have our change to those poor trees getting chopped down day after day
    Thank you.

  4. Miss Carruthers says:

    Fantastic work Elly 🙂 Very up to date with your Zoom meeting as well!! Check how you have used the word profession , try and use it to describe your job, not your passions and values (although these can be linked). Maybe you could say: My profession involves saving trees and telling people that…

  5. Good morning Miss Carruthers,i have done all the tasks on the speelzone website and have gotten everything right in my is my paragraph:

    When we went to the recommended restaurant,we couldn’t help but notice the long queue.The Chefs must have a busy profession!When we got inside,there was a programme i recognised.It was Rhyme and Rhythm!Two relevant sisters who couldn’t get the English pronunciation right!

    (By the way,the “Rhyme and rhythm sisters “was the name of the show 😉

  6. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant Ariella! I’m impressed you managed to use so many spelling words!
    When you are typing, make sure you have a space after the punctuation and have capital letters for I and the start of sentences 🙂

  7. To all those who will recognise this passage, I recommend that you keep quite about the following. I was in a restaurant, were many famous chef’s fulfilled their profession, until a rather strange man came in. They all gathered around him, and I began to lip read, and said their pronunciation aloud to myself, silently. Relevant to my curiosity, a man came to me, and was humming a silent rhythm I seemed to recognise. He told me there was no point to what I was doing, and it was a code language they were using, created by the worlds most intelligent programme. I was infused by this man, who had come out of no where, and his little rhyme stuck in his mouth. Then the man moved to the queue, pushed through and left. This was confusing, until I got the message. To all those who read this cover, stay quite , until the time has come.

  8. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done for using so many of the spelling words. Check your spelling of quite and were – I think you might have meant to use different words! I wonder what a silent rhythm would be like?

  9. Okay

  10. Hello Everyone,
    Here is my paragraph ?

    I recommend the restaurant on Rhyme road, I think that is the pronunciation. Although there is often a queue to get in. It is not relevant but my profession is a computer musician, I programme a rhythm you can easily recognise.

  11. Miss Carruthers says:

    It must be a very good restaurant if there is a queue to get in! Well done for using so many of the spelling words 🙂

  12. Hi miss, here is my paragraph.

    I was in the queue for the restaurant which had a strange pronunciation. While I was in the queue I spoke to this man about my new programme which I’m working on. I could not recognize anything on the menu so I asked what they would recommend. They started telling me things that weren’t relevant which made me question their profession. I started getting frustrated so I sung a rhyme in my head which had a calming rhythm.

  13. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant Alfie. I wonder which calming rhythm you used 🙂

  14. Hello my name is Scarlet Grey,
    My profession involves helping to protecting and planting more trees.I have created a programme about what people are doing to the trees. I will be bewildered and angry if you do not see what they are doing is wrong. I would recommend using products that do not come from trees also it would be relevant to the meeting that I am hosting through zoom on Friday at 10 am which is about products including tree damage. Everyone is thinking that I am talking nonsense and got this idea from a nursery rhyme but I assure you that we will have our change to those poor trees getting chopped down day after day
    Thank you.

  15. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done for listening to feedback and applying it to your writing so quickly! Excellent work Elly ⭐

  16. Many people would find a profession in youtubing. Some people could recognise famous people in the streets. Some people even have a different programme to help people start up their own YouTube channels.

  17. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Tim 🙂

  18. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi there year 6 ? I really enjoyed reading your paragraphs. You’ve managed to incorporate the words well (and spell them correctly!) well done ☺

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