Hello Year 1!

I was so impressed with your super sentences yesterday! They will help you with your writing task today so don’t forget them! Remember today you are starting to write your instructions for Teddy. He really needs your help!

Here is your writing task:

Some bossy verbs: pack, put, zip, grab, fold, add

Remember today’s blog is for you to write your first few sentences and post them for me to to check and give you feedback before you write your final version for tomorrow’s publishing blog!

I look forward to read more of your super sentences!
From Miss Lee 🙂


8 comments on “English Year 1 – Thursday 11th June 2020

  1. Dear Teddy,

    I hope these instructions help with your packing.
    First, you need to take a coat, jumpers, and some warm cloth because it is very cold in the North Pole. Then you need a torch and some matches so you can see in the night. Next put a compass and binoculars to see where you’re going. Finally, take a tent and a sleeping bag to sleep at night and some food because you can’t buy some over there.

  2. Miss Lee says:

    Fantastic work Basile!
    I can spot some time connectives and bossy verbs! Well done!
    Your sentences start with a capital letter and you have used full stops and even commas!
    I love that you have explained to Teddy why he needs to pack each item!
    Don’t forget to sign off your letter at the end so that Teddy knows who has helped him. you might want to wish him a safe trip too!

  3. Clémence says:

    Dear Teddy,
    Here are my instructions to help you to go on the North Pole.
    First, pack a sleeping bag, a pillow and a woolly blanket to keep warm at night.
    Next, put flares in case you’ve got a problem. Remember to bring your compass to not be lost in the North Pole.
    Then, add binoculars to see the animals closer.
    Also, take some food and hot drinks because there is not much food over there.
    After that, zip up your coat so that you keep warm.
    Finally, grab your tent and you’ll be ready to go to the North Pole!
    Have a nice journey!
    Love from Clémence.

  4. Brilliant work Clémence, well done!
    In your letter you have introduced the instructions to let Teddy know why you are writing to him. You have also signed off your letter so that Teddy knows who the letter is from, great work!
    You have used time connectives and bossy verbs to give clear instructions and explained why Teddy needs each item!
    On tomorrow’s publishing blog, see if you can write out this letter in your neatest handwriting!

  5. Dear Teddy

    These are some things you will need to pack.
    First you will need to pack a phone, then you must pack a tent, a sleeping bag and a cosy warm blanket.
    Next pack a first aid kit incase you hurt yourself, also some food incase you are hungry.
    You will need some fresh water to drink and toilet paper to wipe your bottom. After that some binoculars to see things that are far away and a torch to see in the dark. Don’t forget to pack your favourite toy to play with,a notepad and a pencil to write a diary. And finally you need flares incase of a problem. Have a wonderful time at the North Pole.
    See you soon. Love from Isabella xxx

  6. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Isabella!
    This is a wonderful letter to Teddy!
    You have used time connectives and bossy verbs so that your instructions are clear and useful!
    A good idea to pack a notepad and pencil to write a diary, then we can hear all about Teddy’s adventure!
    When you write this out for tomorrow’s publish blog, see if you can use your more beautiful handwriting!

  7. Hello Miss Lee,

    I have added on some more super sentences to my letter from yesterday.

    Dear Teddy,

    First pack some winter clothing and cosy boots because it will be very cold. Make sure they are waterproof because there will be lots of snow and ice and you will get wet!
    Next put in food, water, cooking utensils and a fishing rod to catch fish to eat. Dried fruit and nuts are good to give you lots of energy for your adventure and are very healthy. Fresh fruit does not keep very long.
    Then pack a big tent because this is what you will be living in! Also a comfy sleeping bag and a fluffy pillow.
    Finally important things like a compass, map, binoculars and travel book so these can guide you. Vitamins, medicine, flears and a first aid box will keep you safe and healthy. Essentials that you use everyday like toilet roll, hand gel and your toothbrush and tooth paste you will really need!

    Have a great adventure!

    Lots of love

  8. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Saoirse!
    That is fantastic, well done for improving your work from yesterday it shows great dedication!
    Your letter to Teddy is detailed and very useful! I can see some time connectives and bossy verbs, well done!
    Just check the spelling of ‘flares’
    Tomorrow when you write this up, try to use your neatest handwriting with finger spaces, full stops and capital letters.

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