Hello Class 4!

Now that we have completed our Shakespeare topic we are starting a new topic which the whole school is doing.

Our new topic is… Great Britain!

Looking back at our learning over the last few weeks it seems that you all enjoyed learning about Shakespeare and I was really impressed with the work that you produced. With this in mind, I thought that, since William Shakespeare was born and lived in Great Britain during the Tudor period we could continue to look at this period in time.

On Friday, lots of you said that you all liked our art blog where you had to design a costume for a character in Shakespeare’s The Tempest. I thought that we could build on this learning by looking at Tudor fashion in today’s history blog.

Elizabeth I was known for the almost 2000 beautiful dresses that she left behind. Tudor England clothing was mostly quite lavish and rich but unfortunately, very little survives today. Not too long ago, a piece of Queen Elizabeth I’s clothing, used as an alter cloth, was found in a small church in Herefordshire! A conservation team worked on the alter cloth for 1000 hours, mending and cleaning it. In Hampton Court Palace (which is very close to where I grew up, I used to go ice skating there at Christmas time) you can see the cloth displayed. It really is spectacular! See below a short video clip about ‘The Lost Dress!’
Remember to press pause at the end of the video!

All Tudor clothes were made from only natural fabrics – fabrics that came from animals or plants. These fabrics included: wool, silk, leather, satin, velvet and fur from animals and cotton and hessian from plants. Rich Tudor people (Royal, Lords and Noblemen, rich merchants) wore clothes that were cut and sewn together very carefully into eye-catching shapes and designs. The fabrics (silk, cotton, fur) came from far away countries and so were very expensive.  The clothes took a long time to make – sometimes up to 12 weeks. Rich ladies in Tudor times had to wear lots of layers of clothing to show how rich and important their family was.

Watch this short video clip about Tudor children’s clothing:

Your Task…

After you all all showed such fantastic designing skills in last week’s art blog, I thought you might like to design and label (remember the labels) your very own Tudor outfit. After you have designed (and labelled!!) your Tudor outfit, write a paragraph comparing the clothes we typically wear today to the clothes that the Tudors wore. Look at things such as the materials, the colours and the style. See if you can find a variety of similarities as well as differences to write about.

Would you like to wear Tudor clothes? Explain why/why not. Think about everyday activities and jobs that you usually do and whether these would be possible in a Tudor outfit. What might it feel like to wear these clothes all day? Would it be comfortable?

I look forward to seeing your designs and reading your paragraphs!
Please ask if you need some more ideas for your writing!

From Miss Lee 🙂


44 comments on “History – Tuesday 9th June 2020

  1. I have done it in my book

  2. Miss Lee says:

    Great work Ciana!

  3. I would not wear Tudor cloths because some of It was made from animal skin and I do not want to wear animal skin.

  4. Miss Lee says:

    Good answer Ciana!

  5. Elisa ?✨?? says:

    Good morning Miss Lee,
    I read and watched everything for today and I can’t wait to design my new Tudor costume. Me and my nanny will be designing a… Tudor women’s costume later this morning!

  6. Miss Lee says:

    Good morning Elisa!
    Super work well done! I can’t wait to see your design!

  7. Hello miss lee. I would not like to wear Tudor clothes because the animal fur is bad for the skin and the ways they kill the animals are dreadful.

  8. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Holly, good answer, well done!

  9. ???Amarissa??? says:

    I will send in A design of my work.

    I would not like to wear Tudor clothes because they might be tight and I do not like tight clothes and also I am not a fan of dresses…

    . ??? ????????

  10. Miss Lee says:

    I can’t wait to see it your design!
    Great answer!

  11. The design is going to be sent to you.
    I think clothes today would be more comfortable because in the video the Tudor clothes looked very tight and not very soft.

  12. Miss Lee says:

    I can’t wait to see your design!
    Good answer well done!

  13. I have finished and I will send it in with the picture.

  14. Miss Lee says:

    Super! I can’t wait to see it!

  15. Mayowa(=^-^=) says:

    It’s hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Miss Lee says:

    Do you need some help?

  17. Mayowa(=^-^=) says:

    Hello Miss Lee,

    I would not like to wear Tudor cloths because it would be very tight!

  18. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Mayowa!
    It does look quite tight doesn’t it!

  19. Hi Miss Lee and everyone! I would not like to wear Tudor clothes because it is made from animal skin and a high chance that it could be uncomfortable. I will design a Tudor costume later ??.

  20. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Clare!
    Good answer well done! I look forward to seeing your design!

  21. Tijne Y4 says:

    Hi Miss Lee,
    I have seen the videos.
    I would not like to wear Tudor clothes because it will be very hard to move in and the animal skin will be itchy.

    Thanks, Tijne

  22. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Tijne!
    Good answer well done!

  23. I will send you in a photo and write you my paragraph here.

  24. Miss Lee says:

    Great I can’t wait to see your work!

  25. I send you my work though you don’t seem to put it on the blog.

  26. Hi Stella, yes I posted your work yesterday, have a look through all of the pictures! It was a lovely design!

  27. I wrote my paragraph on my yellow book.

  28. Great well done!

  29. Mayowa(=^-^=) says:


  30. Miss Lee says:

    Please send in a photo!

  31. Raimundo says:

    Hello, Miss Lee
    I will send my costume design. ?

    I would not like to wear Tudor clothes because it could be very tight and I do not like wearing tight clothes.

  32. Miss Lee says:

    Great I look forward to seeing it! Good answer for task 2!

  33. Paolo ??? says:

    I have sent you my photographs and no, I would not wear Tudor clothes today.

  34. Miss Lee says:

    Your work is brilliant today Paolo! You have followed the task instructions and presented your work beautifully! Well don for writing so much about Tudor clothing! Super work! ?

  35. Hi Miss Lee! I have sent my tudor design by email. Thank you!

  36. It is a beautiful design, thank you for sending it in!

  37. Hi miss lee I sent my picture to the office

  38. It looks fantastic! Thank you Albert!

  39. Hello Miss Lee, I have completed both tasks.

    Task 1:
    I will send you a photo of my artwork.

    Task 2:
    I would not like to wear Tudor clothes because I imagine that you will soon become extremely hot and it would be very tight on you. I also think that it would not be comfortable because it might make you itch everywhere. If I wanted to play a running game like football, I think that it would be hard to run and play football wearing Tudor clothes.

    Kind Regards,

  40. Lovely art work thank you Sophie! Well done for explaining your reasons in detail for task 2!

  41. Miss Lee says:

    Thank you Ajay for sending in your work! It is a wonderful design and your writing is great! An interesting point to want to wear Tudor clothes just to see what it would have felt like!

  42. Miss Lee says:

    William, I love how detailed your Tudor outfit design is! Thank you for sending it in, it is a brilliant drawing! Would you like to wear the outfit that you designed?

  43. Miss Lee says:

    Elisa you have designed a beautiful Tudor dress, well done! Super work for remembering the labels too!

  44. Miss Lee says:

    A super drawing with labels and paragraph Pablo! I agree, the Tudor clothes do look very elegant yet uncomfortable! Good point!

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