Good morning Class 4!

I hope you had a lovely weekend and are feeling ready for another week of maths!

This week we are looking at money!

Some of you may have done thee pages in your Maths No Problem books but please remember we are consolidating what we have already learnt (that means we are going back through everything to check we understand it) so if you can, do the pages again or go through your answers and check you are correct and understand your working out. Then have a go at the challenge tasks.


Writing Amounts of Money

Let’s look at the example below…
(click the images to enlarge them)

Pence is less than pounds. 100 pennies make 1 pound. So that means 1 penny is 1 hundredth of a pound and we would write it like this 1p or £0.01
In the picture above, they have a pound coin and some 10 pence coins. How do we write 10p?

So, if we look at how many coins she has in the first picture, she has 5 which would be 50p.

Now we know that she has £1.50 which is more than £1.30 so she DOES have enough to pay for the smoothie… Hooray!

Have a look at the question below and see if you can answer on the blog:

Need some support? Visit the link below for some video clips which explain money further and some interactive activities to help you to practise these skills. Or head over to Mathletics and click on the topics about money to revise!

Please remember to ask me if you need help, or have any questions!

Fancy a challenge? Have a go at the questions below, then look at the answers… but ONLY when you have completed the questions!
Don’t forget you can still ask me for help on the challenge questions too!

Challenge Answers

Challenge Questions

Good luck and enjoy!

From Miss Lee 🙂



45 comments on “Maths – 18/05/20

  1. Hello miss lee. I have done all my mnp pages.

  2. Miss Lee says:


  3. Nina *?? says:


  4. Miss Lee says:


  5. i have done the pages and writen them in the yellow homework books.

  6. Miss Lee says:

    Well done!

  7. Tijne Y4 says:

    Hi miss Lee,
    I have completed the maths no problem pages.
    Thanks Tijne

  8. Miss Lee says:

    Well done!

  9. Done ✅

  10. Miss Lee says:

    Good work!

  11. I completed my math pages and I got everything correct I also understand it.

  12. Miss Lee says:

    Super work!

  13. Elisa ?✨? says:

    I did the MNP worksheets in the book! I added the money to make a number and circled the money to have the number on the page.

  14. Miss Lee says:

    Great work!

  15. I have done all the maths no problem pages ??✅

  16. Miss Lee says:

    Super well done!

  17. all done

  18. Miss Lee says:


  19. Done all pages and completed challenge
    1. £1 + 15p + 15p +15p + 15p=£1.60
    3.4=15 2=10

  20. Miss Lee says:

    Good work Albert!

  21. I have done it.

  22. Miss Lee says:

    Well done!

  23. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Pablo!

  24. Done ✅

  25. Miss Lee says:


  26. Completed both the worksheets and the challenge

  27. amarissa says:

    all done >~( ‘3’)~<

  28. Miss Lee says:


  29. amarissa says:

    hello miss lee
    the answer who wrote the amount correctly is b.

  30. Miss Lee says:

    I just saw your post about not being able to see the coins, have you tried clicking the image?
    There is one 5p coin in the picture, how might you write that as pounds?

  31. I have completed the worksheets


    1. £1.00 ,20 p,10 p,20 p,10 p,
    2. £0.27 ,72 p, £2.07, £2.70, £7.20
    3. Ben has 4 20 p and 2 10 p
    4. Parveen has 10 of each coin
    5. Liam has 50 p,10 p,10 p,20 p

  32. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Emilie!

  33. Mayowa ( •̥́ ˍ •̀) says:

    Hello Miss Lee,
    I have completed the maths no problem and the challengeヾ(@^▽^@)ノ.

  34. Miss Lee says:

    Great work well done!

  35. amarissa says:

    hello miss
    for the question I cannot see the 5 pence or pound

  36. ▽^▽ amarissa▽^▽ says:

    ▽^▽ what if the pages are already done

  37. Miss Lee says:

    Hi Amarissa, if you read the top part of the blog it tells you what to do 🙂

  38. I have finished the maths in my book.

  39. Miss Lee says:

    Great work! How did you find it?

  40. Lucy ??‍♀️ says:

    I have done the MNP pages and here is the answer to the task on the blog:
    C is correct.

    I also have the answers for the challenge:

    Q. Dev has five coins.
    He has £1.60 altogether.
    Write what the five coins could be.
    A. 50p+50p=£1.00+20p+20p+20p=£1.60

    Q. Write these prices in order, starting with the smallest.
    A. £0.27, 72p, £2.07, £2.70, £7.20

    Q. Ben has 2 types of coin in his pocket.
    He has 4 coins of one type and 2 coins of another type.
    Altogether he has £1.
    What two types of coins does he have?
    A. 4 coins of 20p + 2 coins of 10p = £1.00

    Q. Parveen has the same number of 20p and 50p coins. She has £7.00
    How many of each coin has she?
    A. 10 x 50p = £5.00
    10 x 20p = £2.00
    £5.00 + £2.00 =£7.00

    Q. Liam has five coins.
    Three of the coins add up to 30p. Three of the coins add up to 40p. All five coins add up to £1.
    What are the coins that Liam has?
    A. 10 + 10 + 10 + 20 + 50 = £1.00
    (10+10+10=30; 10+10+20=40)

  41. Worksheets done. Thx.

  42. Miss Lee says:

    Well done!

  43. All done here too ?

  44. Miss Lee says:


  45. Raimundo says:


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