Today’s Maths:

Workbook:  2B

Chapter: 12 Three-Dimensional Shapes

Lesson:  1 & 2 Recognising and Describing 3D Shapes

Links: Lesson 1 Lesson 2

Click here for a printable version of this blog post: Thursday Maths printable

Today we are going to look at 3D shapes. These are often harder to remember because we don’t use the names as much as they have more properties. But, I think you’ll all be able to do this today!

Some of the key vocabulary is the same but there is one new one: a face.

Can you remember what it means?

Edge: the edge of a shape (the side of the 2D shape)

Vertices: (one vertex, many vertices) A corner – The point at which two or more edges of a shape meet

Face: the flat surface of a 3D shape, a 2D shape.

Work through these two worksheets to remind yourselves of the properties of 3D shapes and how to identify them. Don’t forget to check the answers and mark them with your grown ups.

*If you are finding it hard to remember all the 3D shapes and their properties, then these two websites have games and videos to help you practise: click here and here.

*If you have finished the work for today, try this lesson for more quizzes and activities. You could also try this challenge:

Let me know how you get on in the blog below!


Albert had a go at the challenge. Has anyone else attempted it yet?

13 comments on “Maths – Thursday 30th April

  1. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Albert, Emilia and Isabella for attempting the challenge. Can you name the 3D shapes you created?

  2. Emilia & Isabella says:

    The first one look like a pyramid with a triangle in the bottom face. The second is a cuboid.

  3. Lessons from yesterday and today finished. The grids were a bit challenging but we worked through it.

  4. Hi Miss

    We think my first shape is a tetrahedron (one of the Platonic Solids)
    and my second shape is a pyramid with its head cut off!


  5. Nadine enjoyed the 3-D shape work and loved the final activity. We used marshmallows and cocktail sticks to make the shapes and ate the marshmallows when we were finished. The shapes we made were a cube, a triangle based pyramid and a cuboid. We made a square based pyramid as well.

  6. Miss Carruthers says:

    What a great idea to use marshmallows – and an excellent treat for when you finished!

  7. Dear Miss Carruthers,

    I’ve finished all my maths no problem challenges from yesterday and today. All the answers are in my yellow home book.

    Bye, Bo

  8. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Bo!

  9. Emilia and Isabella enjoyed today math! ( they told me that they did already at school). The challenge was really fun!

  10. Most of it was easy but some the of the counting of vertices was hard (even for Daddy).

  11. Dear Miss Carruthers,

    I finished my work and it was ok.

    Thank you

  12. Sophia found today’s maths ok. Counting the faces and vertices was a bit tricky on some shapes .

  13. Catherine says:

    Dear Miss Carruthers,
    I went through the maths activity for today and it was ok. I remember we had done some of these activities in class.

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