Today’s Maths:

Workbook: 2A

Chapter 1: Number and Place Value 

Lesson 5: Number Patterns (2&10) 

Links: Lesson 5

Click here for a printable version of this blog post: Maths Wednesday printable

Today we’re going to be counting up in different amounts. This is similar to our times tables, and you may notice some patterns that are the same. But the big difference is that today, we can start from any number.

If we’re doing our 2 times table, we start from 0 and count in 2s (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) but today, we will be starting on any number and going backwards and forwards, so it won’t always be the numbers in your times tables.

It is all about spotting a pattern. So as you are working through the textbook and workbook, see if you can use your words to describe the pattern that you notice.

For example, in the pink column, all the numbers end in a 6. When you add 10 to a number, then ones column doesn’t change. This is because the number 10 doesn’t have anything in the ones column. The tens digit is going up by one because there is a one in the tens column.

Have a go at worksheet 5. If you have already completed it, try to look at it online and have another go.

*If you found it tricky, or just want some more practise, get someone in your family to say any 1 digit number. Can you count in either 2s or 10s from that number. For example:

Count in 2s, start at 3: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11

Count in 10s, start at 3: 3, 13, 23, 33, 43

Bonus questions:

If you want to do another activity, then have a go at this game. Can you make it to 50 from any number in just 5 jumps? You’ll need a dice to decide your starting number. You may want a number line or number square to help you keep track of which number you’re on. 

Let us know how you get on today 🙂

28 comments on “Maths – Wednesday 3rd June

  1. Miss I completed my math.

  2. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Layla 🙂

  3. All done ! and challenges too -)

  4. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant work Adrien 🙂

  5. Sophia B says:

    Dear Miss Carruthers, I finished worksheet 5 .
    Bonus question
    5 +3 = 8
    50+ 30= 80
    50 +3 = 53
    5+ 30 = 35
    I am going to try the game now.

  6. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done! Enjoy playing the game 🙂

  7. We really liked making patterns in the colour grid.

  8. Miss Carruthers says:

    I really enjoy finding all the patterns too 🙂

  9. Dear Miss,

    Maths done. All great.
    Bonus Question:
    1. 8
    2. 80
    4. 35
    I did the dice game too. I got 50 twice.

  10. Miss Carruthers says:

    Fantastic Nadine! I’m glad you tried both of the extra activities.

  11. Hi ? Miss,
    I have done ✅ my maths no problem ? In my maths no problem book.? It was a little bit hard at the beginning but it was easy at the end.
    Bye ? Bo

  12. Miss Carruthers says:

    That must mean that you got better as you went through it. Brilliant work 🙂

  13. Hello ? Miss,
    I have ✔ my work and I spotted a pattern. If you go in a diagonal line and add 1 plus 11 then the next number is 12, and then again 12+11 the number is 23, and 23 plus 11 is 34.


  14. Miss Carruthers says:

    Excellent pattern. I think that must be because going in a diagonal line is adding one 10 and one 1, which is 11!

  15. catherine says:

    I’ve completed the worksheet again, practised counting in number patterns and did the bonus questions. It was OK.

  16. Miss Carruthers says:

    Fantastic Catherine!

  17. Rebecca and John says:

    We’ve completed the worksheets and the challenge, Miss!

  18. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done! Keep it up 🙂

  19. Dear Miss Carruthers,
    I have completed the worksheets.

  20. Miss Carruthers says:

    Excellent work!

  21. Emilia and Isabella says:

    Good afternoon Miss Carruthers
    we finished our maths homework.
    The bonus questions
    8 ,80 ,53 ,35

  22. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done girls 🙂

  23. Sophia P says:

    I finished my Maths homework.

    Greetings from Sophia

  24. Miss Carruthers says:


  25. I have completed it

  26. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done!

  27. Romey did well

  28. Miss Carruthers says:

    I’m so happy to hear that 🙂

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