Good Morning, Nursery.

On Monday, we were learning about what happened after Jesus died and rose again at Easter.

Read the story to find out what happened next:
You can also watch a simpler version of the story here:

After Jesus died and rose again, He appeared to His disciples and many others. As the time drew near for Jesus to go back to His Father in heaven, the disciples began to realise that spreading the Good News of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to the whole world was going to be a big job. “Go therefore and make disciples of the whole world,” Jesus told them. “I am with you always, to the end of time.” Then, the heavens opened up and Jesus rose up into the sky until they could not see Him any more.

The disciples stood there, gazing up into the sky. At first, they were sad, but two angels came and spoke to them, saying, “Don’t worry. Jesus will come again someday.” The disciples knew what they had to do. Their job now was to spread the Good News to all the people around the world.
It was the festival of Pentecost and Jerusalem was full of people. The disciples needed to get away to find a quiet place to pray. Before Jesus had left, He told them that a “helper” would come. Who was this helper? Jesus had said, “The helper is the Holy Spirit of God.” He would make them feel strong. The disciples didn’t understand all of this yet. All they knew to do was pray.

As they were praying, they heard a sound, faint at first, but growing louder and louder. It sounded like a huge rushing wind. The sound was all around them, filling the entire house. Then suddenly, as they looked around in wonder, small flames of fire appeared on their heads. It didn’t hurt, it just shone brightly. The Holy Spirit had arrived. The disciples could speak in languages that they had never learned. They were filled with burning joy and felt incredibly brave. The time had come to break out of their room and tell the world the glorious message! They rushed out into the streets to tell all the people about Jesus.   (Acts 2: 1-6)

Think about these questions:

  • What happened ?

  • How did the disciples (friends of Jesus) feel then?

You can choose how to show your learning:

  • You could act out, use toys or make puppets to retell the story.

  • You could make a fire picture, painting or collage.

  • You could dress up in fire coloured clothes or make a fire hat.

  • You could make up a fire dance to retell the story.

I am looking forward to hearing all about it.

Love from Miss Siswick


25 comments on “Nursery Religious Education: Wednesday

  1. Jesus’ friends were all talking, some in English, some not. Then the fire came and they all prayed. Then Jesus’ friends helped people and the man with sore legs could do a dance!

  2. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Sam. I love your costume to represent the story!

  3. Jesus friends start speaking different languages when the holly spirit arrived , they helped the man who couldn’t walk and he was happy .

  4. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Caspian. You have listened carefully to the story.

  5. Mrs Rekkas says:

    Well done nursery, good listening.

  6. Nicolas made a collage with mummy’s help. Photo to follow.

    Greetings from Nicolas

  7. Miss Siswick says:

    I love your collage, Nicolas and Mummy. I especially like the disciples standing around the fires.

  8. The holy spirit came and the men made the mans legs and ankles better.

  9. There was fire over their heads and a lot of miracles happened . They went to the temple and healed a man who couldn’t walk. And then he could walk.

  10. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Victoire. I love the flame you made for your head! Can you remember what the fire was?

  11. Hello nursery,

    I loved making my fire headband and magic fire wand with Saoirse to represent the Holy Spirit. We are having fun playing with them and thinking of the flames appearing above the disciples heads.

  12. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Fiadh and Saoirse, Your head bands and flames really help to tell the Pentecost story.

  13. The disciple received the spirit of God, the light of God. It was a gift from

  14. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Leopold. The Holy Spirit is a gift from Jesus.

  15. Good afternoon, Fabiola enjoyed watching the video.

    Questions:What happened in the video? “Jesus was in an angel” replied Fabiola.

    How did the disciples (friends of Jesus) feel then? Happy, replied Fabiola

  16. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Fabiola. The disciples felt happy when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit.

  17. Alexander says:

    Alexander said Jesus went away and his friends were sad. His friends had fire over their heads and were speaking in a different language.

  18. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Alexander. I also think the disciples were sad when Jesus went to heaven and then happy when the Holy Spirit came.

  19. The disciples were in a room in Jerusalem, after Jesus ascended into Heaven. The disciples receive the Holy Spirit . They can speak different languages to announce the Good News. The disciples feel happy because Jesus is alive.

  20. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Hermine. The disciples could speak different languages so that everyone could understand the good news about Jesus.

  21. ‘Jesus’ friends got the fire on the heads, it was special because God gave them it.’
    ‘They were talking things and the people were hearing what they were saying in different languages.’

  22. Miss Siswick says:

    I love your Holy Spirit paintings, Anna and Eloisa.

    I posted your rooster picture in yesterday’s rrrr gallery, Eloisa.

  23. Hello Miss Siswick
    Ania said that they had a fire on their heads, they were happy, they spoke different languages they traveled around the world. When they saw a man sitting on the ground, they told him to stand up and he was happy and start dancing.

  24. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Ania, The disciples were happy when the Holy Spirit came.

  25. Miss Siswick says:

    Lovely fire hat, James.

    Lovely Pentecost picture, Hermine.

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