Merry Christmas and enjoy the holidays! Next term out topicĀ  is Ancient Britain.We will explore prehistoric Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.


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3 comments on “Our next topic-Ancient Britain!

  1. 1. The ancestors of humans first appeared in Britain over 1,900,000 years ago.
    2.The Stone Age people used flint tools to hunt animals like deer and mammoth.
    3.After that they began farming and settled down in villages.
    4.Early StoneAge people lived in caves or very simple shelters.
    5.Bumps and ridges in the landscape show the layout of ancient villages, fields and forts.

  2. The stone age people built most of their stuff out of stone, wood and animal skin and bones. We have been to see the Stonehenge before and the rocks are really tall. Stonehenge is still standing today it was built 5,000 years ago. Stonehenge was built by big rocks pulled by lots of people. In the days of Stonehenge they sometimes cut down trees to make sledges to pull them faster.

  3. An Iron Age house was usually shaped like a circle to keep the Celts warm.

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