There are so many people who were made into saints for lots of amazing reasons.

Can you choose a saint and tell us a little bit about them? You might want to do one that you know well, such as St Vincent de Paul or one of the Patron Saints (St George, St Patrick, St Andrew and St David).

Where are they from? Why were they made a saint? Is there anything interesting that happened during their life?

*CHALLENGE* You cannot do a saint that someone has already told us about on the blog…!


26 comments on “RE – Saints

  1. St Adrian was a pagan officer at the imperial court of Nicomedia. He declared himself Christian and was imprisoned and tortured. St Adrian is the patron of soldiers.

  2. Luigi Scrosoppi is the Patron Saint of footballers! He was born in Italy in 1804. He started getting ready to be a priest when he was 12 years old. He loved children and spent all of his time helping poor people.

  3. Well Vincent they say you learn a new thing everyday. I really didn’t know there was a saint of football players!

  4. St. George is a Saint from Cappadocia, which is now part of Turkey. He was born in 280 and executed in 303. St. George became a Roman Soldier. He was put in jail and treated badly but kept his faith.

  5. Madeleine yr2 says:

    St Vincent de Paul was born on April 24, 1581, in Pouy (now St Vincent de Paul, France).
    He was ordained in 1600 and graduated from the University of Toulouse in 1604.
    He was allegedly captured at sea by Barbary pirates but escaped. He died on 27 September, 1660.

  6. I am choosing Mother Teresa.
    Her real name is Agnes.
    She was made a saint on 4th September, 2016.
    Her saint name is Saint Teresa of Calcutta.
    She was from Albania but did a lot of her good work in Calcutta, a city in India.
    When she was 18 she went to Ireland to join the nuns, the Sisters of Loreto in Dublin. She learnt English there because she wanted to become a missionary.
    That is someone who goes to poor countries and helps them.
    She arrived in India when she was 19 years old.
    She helped the poor and hungry.
    And she even helped people with leprosy.
    She set up lots of hospitals and schools for the poor children.
    She could speak 5 languages, Bengali, Albanian, Serbian, English and Hindi.

  7. I think Mother Teresa or St. Teresa of Calcutta is a very interesting saint too Nadine. I love the way she helped the sick people. She is a very modern saint. Do you know I can remember when she was alive and doing all her hard work.

  8. Dear Miss Carruthers,

    I want to talk about St. Francis of Assisi: He was a very rich young man from Italy. After falling ill in the war he realised that he was wasting his time and should serve God instead. He gave his clothes and money to the poor. He began to live as a beggar and followed the example of Jesus by helping others. He founded the so called Franciscan order. They helped the poor and sick and preached God‘s word.


  9. I love to read about St. Francis of Assisi too Sophia. I like the way he loved nature and animals.

  10. St. Paul was converted from Judaism on the road to Damascus. He was the missionary travelling throughout many countries and lands, preaching the Gospel of Jesus. He created numerous churches during his travels and was even imprisoned seven times. St. Paul died in the year 67 and he is the patron saint of missionaries, evangelists , writers, journalists, authors, public workers, rope and saddle makers and tent makers. His feast day is June 29th when he is also honoured with St. Peter.

  11. Miss Carruthers says:

    Wow! Well done all of you. I’m impressed that you’ve managed to find out about lots of different saints. You’ve included some fascinating facts about their lives and why they have been made saints.
    I wonder if the others can find out about any different saints?

  12. My choice is St. Catherine of Alexandria. She was born in the year 287 in Alexandria, Egypt. She is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers in the Roman Catholic church and the patron saint of philosophers and scholars. Her feast is celebrated on the November 25th.

    She was an educated young girl of noble birth. She protested the persecution of Christians under the Roman emperor Maxentius.
    She was was sentenced to death and executed. She gave her life to Jesus Christ.

  13. Miss Cimmino says:

    Hello children, I like this topic.
    I found out that Saint Chiara was designated as patron of Television on the basis that when she was too ill to attend the Mass, she was able see to see and hear it on the wall of her room!

  14. Sophie Ma says:

    Dear Miss Carruthers,
    Saint Patrick was a patron saint of Ireland and he was a Christian missionary born in Roman Britain. He was kidnapped when he was 16 and was taken to Ireland as a slave for six years! Luckily, he escaped and went back to his family but then had a calling from God that told them to go back to Ireland. He died on March 17, 461 and established many churches, schools and monasteries.

  15. St. Rocco was born in 1340 in France. He was born with a red cross mark on the left side of his chest. He was devoted to God from when he was little. When he was young his parents died leaving him an orphan under the care of his uncle the Duke of Montpellier .
    Soon after St Rocco shared his money with the poor and took a vow of poverty.
    He dressed as a Pilgrim and left for Rome.
    Italy was stricken with disease and plague and St Rocco healed and cured the people. He also got sick though and went to live in a cave. Here a dog found him and fed him bread. The dog’s owner found Rocco and took him home to his castle where he was cured.
    St Rocco went home to France but the people did not know him because he looked so different.He has thrown into the dungeon because they thought he was a spy. While he was dying a blue light glowed from his body. His uncle, the Governor, visited the dungeon and saw the red cross mark and realised it was his nephew. A voice was heard announcing Rocco was in Heaven.
    St Rocco is the protector against contagious disease and the plague.
    We should pray to him to help cure Coronavirus.

  16. Miss Carruthers says:

    What a special saint, your brother is very lucky to share his name with such a kind man.
    I agree, we should definitely pray to St Rocco during this time to help heal everyone with Coronavirus.

  17. Saint Zacharias was the second bishop of Vienne in what is now Isere, France, until he was supposedly martyred in 106 AD during the reign of the Emperor Trajan. He was one of the first Christian evangelists in France.

  18. Miss Carruthers says:

    I’ve never heard of St Zacharias before. What did he do that made him become a saint?

  19. Saint Patrick was told in a dream that he should go to to Ireland and tell the Irish people to believe in God and become Christians. He lit a fire before the king did so the people tried to put out his fire out, but they couldn’t. Some of them tried to kill Patrick but they couldn’t so the king invited Patrick to his house and he told him about God. He used the shamrock to do an example about God. Showing him that God is three people in one, the father, the son and the holy spirit.

  20. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done for finding out extra facts about St Patrick. The shamrock is a wonderful reminder of the Trinity.

  21. Dear all,
    Today I learnt about St Anthony of Padua with the help of my sister. Anthony of Padua was a friar and he is considered a saint of lost or stolen items. I learnt that he had a book of sacred songs in which he wrote things. A young priest who was living next to him decided to leave the church and he stole Anthony’s book. Anthony prayed a lot for it to be returned. Time past and the missing young priest returned to the church and returned Anthony’s book. This was a miracle.
    After his death, people prayed to Anthony when they had lost something. Some of them got their things back.

  22. Miss Carruthers says:

    He would be a very useful saint to pray to when I lose things in the classroom!!

  23. Saint patrick was a fifth-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. Known as the “Apostle of Ireland”, he is the primary patron saint of Ireland. his full name was Maewyn Succat. He was from Rome and born in Britannia.

  24. MrsO’Neill says:

    Saint Anne was the mother of Mary and the maternal grandmother of Jesus. She was born C 50 BC and died 12 AD.

  25. I chose St Peregrine Laziosi. He is patron saint of Incurable disease (cancer, AIDS). He was born in Italy in 1260. in his youth he hit St Phillip in the face and was amazed when Phillip Forgave him and turned to him another cheek. He decided to become a catholic monk. He loved God so much that he spent a lot of his life standing on his legs. Later in life he developed cancer in his leg. The night before amputation he prayed really hard and put his faith in God’s hands. When he woke up he was healed and did not need surgery. Maybe praying to him will help us find cure for Coronavirus?

  26. Wow Kristian I have never heard of St . Peregrine Laziosi the patron saint of incurable diseases. I am learning so much about the different saints by reading all your blogs. You are all teaching me something!

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