Good morning Year 5!


Sometimes we can misuse the freedom we have and use it irresponsibly.  We forget to love God and our neighbour.  We have all forgotten to do this at some point in our life. It may not be by something that we do, but by something that we omit to do.


So if we saw evil and did nothing to stop it then we are allowing evil to triumph (win).

Amos was a prophet who lived long before Jesus and challenged the people to care for the poor and those in need.  Prophets reminded them of God’s love and of the kind of people they were called to be.  


At times when we do not follow these instructions, we need reconciliation and forgiveness from God.  We know that God is loving and merciful and that He will always forgive us. 

In the Sacrament of Reconciliation we celebrate God’s love and mercy.  We learn about the joys and challenges of living as a follower of Jesus in love and peace. During the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation the Church celebrates the love and mercy of God.  It calls people to confess their sins, ask for forgiveness and be reconciled to God and to one another.

An Act of Contrition (like the one above) is a Christian prayer that expresses sorrow for sins. It may be used in a liturgical service or be used privately.


Consider the following questions and if you can, discuss them with an adult at home:

In which ways can we do wrong by doing nothing, as Edmund Burke comments?


In the Act of Contrition what promise are we making to God?

Why is it sometimes difficult to keep this promise?

What should we do if we break this promise?


Today’s task: write your own Act of Contrition including the words: God is loving and merciful. Your Act of Contrition must express sorrow for wrongdoing and ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness. If you choose to do this on paper, you can decorate it or include a picture in your work. Please send this via Homework Uploader for the attention of Miss Carruthers.

Challenge: Can you compare this with the reading from Amos; how does he tell us to live? Tell us in the comments!

Good luck and enjoy!

Mrs Avdiu xx

Today is not my working day so Miss Carruthers will kindly respond to the blogs. Please send any files for the attention of Miss Carruthers.


Elena’s Act of Contrition

10 comments on “Religious Education – God is Merciful (Wed 17.6.20)

  1. Claudia‍ says:

    Hello everyone i hope you are all having a nice day this is my work for today.


    God I ask for your
    mercifulness and forgiveness,
    I am sorry for sinning to you my act has had,
    consequences I now know the meaning of wrong,
    I ask for a new beginning too so I can be more like you,
    I am sorry for what I have done now good,
    will be my new target forever,
    I want to be part of you family Lord,
    please show me how to if you still want me.

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  2. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Claudia. It is so important to remember that God will always want us to be part of his family, no matter what we do or have done 🙂

  3. Good morning Miss Carruthers, I hope you are well. This is my act of contrition…

    My gracious God,
    I ask for your forgiveness,
    and a new beginning
    for I have sinned against you,
    when I should love and care for you
    with everything.
    I am so sorry,
    for committing this sin.
    But with the help of your mercy,
    I shall not do it again.

  4. Miss Carruthers says:

    Wonderful work, well done Zavan 🙂

  5. Nika ?️ says:

    Hello everyone!
    I hope that you are all safe and well!


    My gracious Father,
    I am so sorry for all of the sins I have made,
    I am so sorry that I have chosen the wrong path more than once,
    I chose to do wrong and I failed to be good.
    I ask for a new beginning too so I can be more like you,
    I ask for your forgiveness.
    With the help of you,
    I will not do it again,
    I will never sin this badly ever again…


    Have a nice day!
    See you soon!

  6. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant Nika, I’m so glad that God always gives us a new beginning 🙂

  7. Hi everyone.
    O God,
    Please forgive me of my sins,
    I shall sin no more,
    I am sorry with all my heart,
    I have turned against you,
    Our Saviour Jesus Christ suffered and died for us,
    In his name,
    My God, have mercy.

  8. Miss Carruthers says:

    Beautiful prayer 🙂

  9. Hi Everyone,

    This is my act of contrition:

    My holy God,
    I ask you for forgiveness,
    I am very sorry for sinning,
    and making these bad choices behind your back,
    when I should be loving and kind to everyone.
    I take back all my sins and mean things that I have done and will never do them again,
    I hope you forgive me.

  10. Miss Carruthers says:

    Wonderful Marco! Isn’t it amazing that God always forgives us 🙂

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