Good morning Year 6,

I hope you are having a lovely June so far. Please read my post: June is the month of Jesus.

From the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry, he was concerned with the sick and needy.  He never turned anyone away even when he was tired and weary.  In Jesus’ day, there were many sick people and they often had to survive by begging at the roadside. 

This story from Luke illustrates Jesus’ compassion:

Discuss the following questions with someone at home. After you have had a think about the questions, answer them in the comments/your Home Learning book:

Why do you think Jesus was so concerned with the sick and needy?

Why do you think the people scolded the blind man?

How do you think the blind man felt?

What do you think was the significance of the title the blind man gave to Jesus, ‘Jesus! Son of David!’  What did it show about his faith?

What was Jesus’ attitude to the blind man?

What do you think Jesus meant when he said, ‘Your faith has made you well’?

What do you think of the attitude of the people once they saw Jesus’ healing power?

How do you think the blind man felt when he could see?

Today’s task:

You could create a piece of art reflecting the moment Jesus healed a blind man or express this in a poem.


Write a report for the Jericho Times about the incident (as if you were living in that time period) and explain who people believe Jesus is and what ideas and experiences people have of him.  Link it to other scriptural texts if you can and include quotes from bystanders about how it has affected their faith.


You can share your typed work in the comments or send photos in via the Homework Uploader.

Good luck!

Mrs Avdiu xx

If you send any work using the Homework Uploader, please send it for the attention of Miss Carruthers as she will be the one responding to blogs on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Thank you!

Printer-friendly version: Wednesday RE blog

8 comments on “Religious Education – Jesus Heals (Wed 10.6.20)

  1. Miss Carruthers says:

    I love your artwork Eliza 🙂 and your description that you wrote when you uploaded it:

    This is my art for RE. The black represents the blindness of the man and the yellow represents the light that Jesus give to the blind man so the man is able to see again.

  2. Sorry Miss,but when i tapped The first link,it said that i was not allowed to open drafts.

  3. Miss Carruthers says:

    Thanks for letting me know – I’ve fixed it now so you can read the news post 🙂

  4. Elly(●'◡'●) says:

    Here are my answers:
    1) I think Jesus wanted everyone to live a happy life full of love and the proper care needed however whenever he saw someone like the blind man he would help him out so he would change and be a good person to others like Jesus was.

    2) people scolded the blind man because he was blind and he was different to everyone else because they could see and he couldn’t.

    3) I think the blind man felt very lonely and depressed because he was probably thinking that no one was like him and they would only make fun of his blindness and what he was wearing because he couldn’t see himself.
    4) This shows that although the blind man could not see Jesus he still believed that Jesus was the son of David.

    5) Jesus’ attitude was very kind and caring because he immediately stopped when he saw the blind man and healed him with and through the power of God.

    6) I think what Jesus said meant that because the blind man kept all his faith even though he went through such dark times in his life the faith helped him and led Jesus right to himself which made god happy so Jesus healed him from his blindness.

    7) The attitude of the people changed really quickly from their normal day to day lives to the surprised bind man who could see which made them stop what they were doing and listen to him for the first time.
    How do you think the blind man felt when he could see?
    8) I think the blind man felt extremely happy and couldn’t believe Jesus had actually healed him. He also must have felt the joy and warmth of the world which he had never felt before in his entire life.

  5. Miss Carruthers says:

    What thoughtful answers Elly. It’s clear you have considered the story carefully and how the different people would have felt. Your answer to question 6 is so appropriate for now – even if it feels like we are going through dark times, we have to hold on to our faith and stay close to God 🙂

  6. Elly(●'◡'●) says:

    Thank you

  7. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Ariella for really considering the story and answering the questions. I can’t wait to see your artwork 🙂

  8. Miss Gorick says:

    I have really enjoyed reading your thoughtful answers and your artwork is beautiful-well done! X

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