Good morning Class 4!

Today we will continue our Reconciliation topic – Building Bridges.

Read the important words and story below…

When you read the story below, think about the following questions and answer them on the blog:

Q Did it surprise you that the shepherd would go to find the one lost sheep?

Q When are the times you might see yourself as the lost sheep?

Q What does this story tell you about God?

The Sacrament of Reconciliation brings us back to God, who forgives us and absolves us from our sins.  God’s mercy and love is like the tenderness shown in the story.  We can be sure God loves us.

Your Task…

In life we all get ‘lost’ sometimes.  Design a ‘map’ for people who may be ‘lost’ and want to be found – include on it ‘signposts’ of advice and ways to live their lives. You might want to include pictures but also helpful tips and advice to teach people about forgiveness, kindness and how to become ‘found’. Below is an example which I started to give you an idea for your own map. You could design yours similar to mine or think up your own design! Then send in a photograph of your work.

I look forward to seeing your creations! 
From Miss Lee


41 comments on “Religious Education – Wednesday 3rd June 2020

  1. Hello Miss Lee, I have answered the questions about the story. I have also completed my artwork and I will send you a photograph of it.
    Task 1:
    Q1: Did it surprise you that the shepherd would go to find the one lost sheep?
    It did not surprise me that the shepherd went to find the one lost sheep because shepherds love their sheep like God loves us.

    Q2: When are the times you might see yourself as the lost sheep?
    The times when I see myself as the lost sheep are times when I have no one to play with and times when I am feeling sad.

    Q3: What does this story tell you about God?
    This story tells us that God is loving, awesome, almighty, bountiful beautiful, benevolent, bread of life and comforter.

  2. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Sophie, well done for doing both tasks! Very thoughtful and reflective answers to the questions, well done!

  3. No, it did not surprise me because normally shepherds really care for there sheep like there own children. A shepherd would never leave a sheep behind.

    When maybe i feel sad and lonely and then I see my friends laughing and playing together. But that makes me want to play. That’s when I feel lonely.

    Now i know that God cares for us a lot and if we do something wrong he’ll always forgive us.

    I will send a picture miss.

  4. Miss Lee says:

    Wonderful answers to the questions Stella! I can tell you’ve thought carefully about the story. I look forward to seeing your work for the main task!

  5. Question 1:
    No, I was not surprised that the shepherd would go to find the one lost sheep when he knew the other 99 sheep were safe. I am not surprised because the shepherd cares for the sheep as God cares for us.

    Question 2:
    In a scenario such as when someone misunderstands what I say or do, and if anything I do is interpreted as not being kind.

    Question 3:
    This story tells us that God will stop at nothing to find us when we lose our way to him. It tells us that God loves us even when we sin.

  6. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Lucy for reflecting on the story and thinking carefully about your answers! It is always reassuring to know that God will always find us when we are lost.

  7. 1. The shepherd doesn’t surprise me because he’s a kind person and he does not want to loose his sheep.

    2. I see my self as the lost sheep when I am sad and lonely but I have my family who is always with me.

    3. God is always with us and we talk to him in are prayers.

  8. Miss Lee says:

    Well done for thinking about your answers using important reflective skills! Yes, it is always important to remember that when we pray God listens to us.

  9. Amarissa says:

    Q1:no,it did not surprise me because what Stella said,the shepherds treat their sheep like their own children, and ,yes,shepherds never leave their own children .

    I feel as lost sheep when I do something wrong when i get angry,or scared,or harassed,and then I walk away when my friends or family need me mostly.then looking at them far away,feeling sad,that makes me sad,and that’swhat makes me feel like a lost sheep.

    It tells me that no matter how many chances you have been given,god will still always love you,like the lost sheep,he rejected god,and then came back.and that was called for a celebration.

  10. Miss Lee says:

    Lovely answers to the questions Amarissa. You have thought carefully and been very reflective! Yes it is always important to remember that God forgives us.

  11. Q1 – It surprised me a bit because leaving 99 sheep on its own without no supervision

    Q2 – NoI have never really felt like a lost sheep

    Q3 – Jesus gave the shepherd confidence, faith And guidance To find the lost sheep

    I sent my map poster in by email to the office

  12. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Albert! What did the story tell you about God? I look forward to seeing your map!

  13. Miss Lee says:

    Thank you for sending in your work Albert. Some lovely sentences on there to guide someone who may be lost.

  14. Q1 yes it did surprise me.
    Q2 when I’m lie Ing
    Q3 that god is always with us

  15. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Alfred! Why did it surprise you? Why does lying make you feel lost?

  16. Amarissa says:

    Thank you miss

  17. Miss Lee says:

    You’re welcome! 🙂

  18. Tijne Y4 says:

    Hi Miss Lee,
    Here are my answers.

    Q1: No, it did not surprise me because shepherds love there sheep like my family loves me.
    Q2: The times when I feel like the lost sheep is when I feel sad and lonely. I have felt lonely because I have not been able to play with my friends.
    Q3: This story tells me that god is always there for us and he will always for give us.

    Thanks, Tijne

  19. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Tijne, some very thoughtful answers! It can be a lonely time at the moment but remembering that God is there helps to reassure us.

  20. Q Did it surprise you that the shepherd would go to find the one lost sheep?
    No because the sheperd represents God and we are the sheep. He values every single one of us.

    Q When are the times you might see yourself as the lost sheep?
    When you know abou unfair things in the world like slavery.

    Q What does this story tell you about God? That God cares about everyone.

  21. Miss Lee says:

    Good work Rafael! Yes it is important to remember that we are all valued by God.

  22. I have done the artwork miss lee!

  23. Miss Lee says:

    Great! I am looking forward to seeing it!

  24. Q1: No it didn’t surprise me because i’v seen a movie about this Prince of Egypt, who ran away from home, he walked into the desert and then he came upon this sheep which turned around and looked at him so the Prince followed the sheep I to a then the Prince went on his knees and prayed to God saying oh God give me your strength and curige to carry on.

    If I was a sheep when I’m feeling sad or angry in a desert I might wonder of to cool my self down ?️ ?

    It tells if you make good or bad choices you make in your life God will always love you just like the lost sheep he rejected God and he came back

  25. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Ciana! I think I know which movie you are talking about, the story is a little different to the one we are looking at today but yes there are some similarities! Yes it is important to know that God will always love us.

  26. Hi Miss Lee ?! How are you all?
    Here is m answers to the questions:
    1. No, it did not surprise me that the shepherd would find the lost sheep because each one is very important and cares about his sheep a lot.

    2. Well, when I’m lonely or I’ve done something wrong which made me lost or maybe when I just feel a litttle down.

    3. It tells me that, compared to the lost sheep and the shepherd well, I think it’s that God cares for each one of us and will never leave our side. And if we ever make mistakes or make a sin he will always forgive us.

  27. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Clare! I am good thank you, how are you?
    Very thoughtful answers to the questions, well done! Yes, it is important to remember that God forgives us and helps us to learn from our mistakes.

  28. Hello Miss Lee,

    Q1. It didn’t suprise me because the sheperd loved his sheep.

    Q2. Sometimes I feel like the lost sheep when I am left out and egnoured.

    Q3. It tells people how God’s love lives in you, and it is always there.

  29. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Mayowa! What a lovely way of thinking about God’s love by remembering that it lives in us all.
    I hope you are having a lovely day at the hub!

  30. Paolo ??? says:

    Q1 Yes, because he had one hundred sheep ?, but he did not want to lose one.
    Q2 When I am alone and sad because I did something wrong.
    Q3 If you do something wrong you feel like the lost sheep but then somebody will find you and bring you towards God again.

    I will send my map by email.

  31. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Paolo, some thoughtful answers! I look forward to seeing your map!

  32. Task one
    Question one
    No because all of his sheep are special to him and when he loses one he feels sad, like you do when you lose something so special.
    Question two
    When you’re sad and you feel like you are grumpy and lonely you feel like you want to be away from other people you feel like you’re the lost sheep because you are all alone.
    Question three
    What this tells you about God is that we are like God’s lambs and he is the shepherd, when one of us is lost he will always comes looking for us.

  33. Miss Lee says:

    Very detailed answers William, well done! I can tell you thought carefully about the story and the messages behind it!

  34. 1. No it didn’t because it is normal to go and find your friend or animal because it is yours.
    2. If people bully me I would feel lost and if people are happy and doesn’t notice I am, I would feel lost.
    3. He is always here for me and no mater what you did.

  35. Miss Lee says:

    Well done for answering the questions Martin! Your answers are very reflective, well done!

  36. Elisa ?✨ says:

    QUESTION 1: No, I’m not surprised because the Bible is always telling us about love and how God is the loving Shepherd looking after his sheep (us).
    Question 2: I sometimes feel like the lost sheep when I’m teasing my brother as I know I’m doing the wrong thing.
    QUESTION 3: This story told me that God is kind, loving and caring. It also told me that God counts everybody in and whatever happens he cares.

  37. Miss Lee says:

    Very thoughtful answers Elisa, well done! I can tell you have reflected carefully after reading the story to consider the important messages.

  38. Miss Lee I have sent my drawing task by email, Thank you!

  39. Miss Lee says:

    It looks wonderful!

  40. Miss Lee says:

    M – Thank you for sending in your map, it looks fantastic! I am very impressed and I am glad you enjoyed the task! Well done!

  41. Miss Lee says:

    C – A beautiful map, well done! Some very useful advice on there to help people who have become lost.

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