SATs week is almost here! Year 6’s SAT’s will begin on Monday May 8th. We have all been working hard to get ready over the past half term and know that we are well-prepared. What are your tips for studying? Do you have any advice about working hard while staying calm, healthy and positive?

7 comments on “SATs Week

  1. I take practice SATS exams from previous years. It improves my marks now. But how do I improve in reading?

  2. Javier Year 3 says:

    You keep on reading.

  3. Here is a small tip finding the averages:
    Median- med= medium (medium is the middle)
    Mode- model= the most popular (everybody is copying the fashion.)
    Mean- it is horrible= Personally, I do not find it particularly difficult but think of the one with the most work or use AD (AD is the first letter of the two things you need to use, addition and division- hence, the name AD.)
    And finally, Range- this is the simplest of them (it is what it means!) you just need to work out the range- sorry, it really is what it is called, so I can call it hardly anything else! Example: The biggest number is 63 and the smallest is 12.7

    I know this may not help with our SATS but it is best to be prepared for anything! The other day I did a test with Roman Numerals and I thought they were no longer part of the national curriculum. Thankfully, my tutor had made me a revision book and within it’s contents there were Roman Numerals. If you revise things like that, it can save you a lot of trouble- for the rest of your life!

  4. Lola Year 3 says:

    You can keep on reading for at least 1 hour per day.

  5. Reading is your greatest tool in your Comprehension test as you understand the words much better!

  6. It is also good to practice lots of different subjects, so that at the end of the year you will be good at everything ( well not everything, but better at them).

  7. Don’t stress and study hard.

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