In Science, you have recently been learning about your wonderful eyes!

Eyes evolved millions of years ago to allow animals to sense light and have a greater awareness of their surroundings. Although we can function without sight, we rely heavily on vision to live our everyday lives.

Have a look at this video which explores the human eye and how it works-the video illustrates the function of the eye with models, film clips and magnified images.

Find more information and video clips here!

Some people suffer from a decreased ability to see that causes problems that cannot be fixed by usual methods such as glasses. Braille is a tactile reading writing system used by people who are visually impaired. It was created by Louis Braille. Raised dots represent letters of the alphabet and it also contains equivalents for punctuation marks.

Today you have two tasks to do with sight!

  1. Look at the Braille alphabet (learn more here!) and learn how to write your name using the letter formations. Write your name and a sentence in your Home Learning Book!
  2. I haven’t been in your Science Lessons so please write a fact, for me to learn, about the eye below! Make sure you carry out some research and watch the videos above. All facts should be different!


Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy 🙂

21 comments on “Science-I spy with my little eye…

  1. The eye’s pupil is actually a hole, which lets a limited amount of light through, depending on the amount of light there is. For example, if it is dark, the pupil will get larger, trying to absorb as much light as possible, and if it’s very bright, your pupil will get smaller to only let in the amount of light needed.

  2. jade year6 says:

    There is a nerve in our eye called the optic nerve.

  3. Inside the eye there is a lense that reflects light to the back of the surface of the eyeball called the retina which picks up the image that we see .The retina is made up of special cells that detect the light and send messages to our brain and so we see.

  4. The eyes’ pupil expands and compacts according to how much light there is around you, the pupil will expand when there is not much light, this is to try and absorb as much light as it can so we can see, and it will compact when there is an abundance of light for they are trying to let out some, otherwise it would be too bright!

  5. Our eyes see things upside down but our brains switch the image to be the right way.

  6. Jeanne Yr 6 says:

    The retina is a thin layer of tissue that lines the back of the eye on the inside. It is near the optic nerve. The retina is to receive light that the lens has focused, convert the light into neural signals, and send these signals on to the brain for identification.

  7. A camera lens and shutter is based on a human eye.
    The camera lens is curved, like the front of your eye, and the shutter opens and closes to let the right amount of light in. Just like your eye!

  8. Your eyes first sees images upside down. The optic nerve sends the message to the brain which flips the image around.

  9. when it is dark, the pupil expands(grows) and when there is lots of light, it shrinks(gets smaller).

  10. Miss Gorick says:

    What interesting facts! Who has managed to write their name in braille?
    My Mum teaches children who are blind or visually impaired and she is very impressed with your knowledge! 🙂

  11. Wow! I have managed to write my name in Braille although it was quite confusing at first!?

  12. It is proven that the pupil in our eyes expand in dim light as they are trying to get light to travel through, enabling the eye to see.

    Some say that the pupil expands thinking of someone you love!

  13. The human eye blinks around 4,200,000 times per year to spread oils and mucous secretions to prevent our globes from drying out.

    Did you know that the regular human eye can recognise around 10 million different colours!

  14. The visions we see are made up of light reflected from the objects we look at. Because the front part of our eye is curved it bend the light creating an upside down image on the retina. The brain then turns the image right to the way we see them.

  15. At the beginning your eyes sees the image upside down, then the optic nerve sends a message to the brain placing the image the correct way up

  16. You blink around 28,800 times a day. That is because we need to keep our eyes clean from bacteria or harmful particles in the air.

    We spend (because of blinking) 10per cent of our waking life with our eyes closed. Also there are only 6 types of different coloured iris, they are amber, blue, brown, gray, green, hazel, and red.

  17. The pupil increases in the dark as it needs more light to be let through.

  18. Miss Gorick says:

    Thank you for teaching me!

  19. Miss Gorick says:

    Year 6-I am so impressed! You have taught me a lot about our wonderful eyes! I am sitting by a sunny window so I imagine my pupils are smaller…!

  20. Did you know: The eye muscles are the most active muscles in the human body. Eye transplants are currently impossible due to how sensitive the optic nerve is . Everyone has one eye that is slightly stronger than the other. My stronger eye is my right eye

  21. In our eye there is a hole called the pupil it is protected by a transparent substance called the cornea. Our iris, the coloured part of the eye, contracts or de-contracts to diminish or widen the pupil to let less light in if there is a lot of light so we are not blinded or widen if there is not much light so that there is a maximum of light coming into the eye.
    After entering the eye through the pupil the light goes through the lens which inverses the light coming through and focuses the light onto light cells, who then send the information through the optic nerve to the brain , it is than converted into an object or person by the brain that we see. The reason the lens flip the light upside down is that when light bounces off and object it flips upside down so the lens flip it back up.

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