Good morning everyone,

A fun science activity for you to do today.

Hope you enjoy!

From Miss Lee.

States of Matter

In science we are learning about States of Matter. This means whether a material is a solid, liquid or gas.

Have a look at this video:

A great example of when water (H2O) changes its state of matter is the water cycle!

All around the world, the water is constantly moving. This process is called the water cycle.

You can listen (and sing along if you wish) to The Water Cycle Song here:

Ask an adult for permission before clicking


Making a Prediction

Water can change from a liquid to a gas when it evaporates.

We can also change water to a solid by freezing it to make ice.

When ice melts, it has changed from a solid back to a liquid.

I have set up an experiment at home:

I have one glass filled with ice and another glass filled with ice and salt.

Which glass of ice do you think will melt (turn from a solid to a liquid) fastest and why?

Write your predictions below.


I wonder who will write the most accurate prediction?


If you wanted to do this experiment at home, how could you make sure it is a fair test?

Share your results if you do try this at home!

37 comments on “Science – Wednesday 25th March 2020

  1. I think the ice with salt will melt first because it will lower the temperature at which the ice melts

  2. Interesting! Let’s see if anyone has a different prediction! Can you try the challenge question?

  3. Did you test it??

  4. I think that the cup with the salt will stay longer because rock salt
    is (salty) very resistant in a solid. I also need to know how long you
    have put the water to harden (if you have).

    A fair test :
    To make it a fair test you have to put the water to harden at an equal amount of time. Probably the most important 2 rules are to put the same amount of ice in the two cups.
    The other very important rule is that don’t cheat on your experiment
    to have your prediction right.
    Don’t put too much salt or not enough.
    If you really want to make it fair, you can weigh the ice.

  5. Well done for making a prediction! I didn’t make the ice myself this time as I had a bag of ice in my freezer already! But that would be a good idea next time! How long do you think it takes to freeze water into ice?

    Those are some great ideas to make it a fair test. If you have everything you need at home, you could try the experiment too and see if we have the same results!

  6. Sorry I meant it will melt faster.
    I’ve just remembered that near Christmas ? there was ice on the streets so they put salt on the road to make it melt faster.

  7. I think that the glass with salt and ice will melt fastest because when salt is mixed with ice, it makes the ice melt faster than usual.

  8. An interesting prediction! Why do you think the salt might affect the ice this way?

  9. I think that the ice with the salt will probably melt the because the water is cold and the salt is warm and that will cool down the ice then melt it.

  10. A great prediction! I wonder if you will be right?
    Can you think of some ways to make sure it is a fair test?

  11. Fair Test:
    To make it a fair test you must put the same amount of ice cubes inside each container (you can weigh it on scales) and don’t put too much salt!!

  12. Good ideas!

  13. To make the experiment fair you could put the same amount of ice in the same sized cups then put salt in one cup and see which cup of ice will melt first.

  14. This would definitely make it a fair test, well done!

  15. Miss Lee have you tested it yet.

  16. Yes I have tested it, I will share my results later today, when everyone has made their predictions! 🙂

  17. I think it would take an hour.

  18. Which glass do you think will take 1 hour to melt?

  19. The glass with the salt in it will melt first because the salt cools the temperature down. It’s kind of like what they do when there is ice on the ground. They normally throw salt on it to prevent people slipping on it.

  20. Good prediction and links to real life!

  21. Salt works by lowering the freezing point of water when it is sprinkled on ice, it makes a brine with the film of surface water, which lowers the freezing point and melts the ice that the brine is contact with – to a point. The lower the temperature the more salt you need, so it is less useful under -10c (15f).

  22. Very interesting, thank you Emilie 🙂

  23. Mrs Akhtar says:

    That’s the reason in every country. During snowfall, council lorries sprinkle salt on the pavements to make them easier to walk on.

  24. I think the one with salt will melt, when roads are iced, we use salt to melt the ice

  25. What do you think will happen to the glass of ice with no salt?

  26. I think the ice with the salt will melt before the glass with only ice, because people use salt on the roads and pavements when it snows to melt the snow.

  27. Good prediction! Well done William!

  28. I think the one with the salt will probably melt with a higher temperature a bit hotter like what William said, salt is used on roads to melt the snow. I think this because salt causes a ‘freezing point depression.’ This means that salt helps in lowering the freezing point and, consequently, the melting point of water ( the main component of snow and ice).

  29. Well done for explaining your prediction in detail!

  30. The salt and ice because salt lowers the freezing point which makes the ice melt faster.

  31. Good prediction Ajay! The results will be posted soon!

  32. I think the cup with the salt will probably melt first.

  33. If the glass with the salt does not melt I think that the ice doesn’t melt in an hour it will probably melt in half an hour.

  34. Check the results to find out if you are correct!

  35. ??️?

    Well done to everyone who made a prediction ⭐
    You all explained your predictions clearly and some of you even did some extra research to support your predictions!

    I timed how long it took for both glasses of ice to melt and here are the results:
    The glass of ice and salt took
    2 hours 22 minutes and 59 seconds
    to melt.

    The glass of just ice too
    3 hours 13 minutes and 02 seconds
    to melt.

    So, if you predicted the glass of ice and salt would melt the fastest, you were correct ☑️

    FUN FACT ??‍?:
    Water usually freezes at 0°C. However, if salt is dissolved into water, it freezes at a temperature lower than 0°C. Putting salt on a wet road means that the temperature has to get even colder before the water freezes into ice.

  36. The ice with salt will melt first. We are testing how long it will take today.

  37. Great! Post your results on here so that we can see if they are similar to the ones I got!

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