The Wednesday Word aims to help all school families draw closer to God, to the Church and to each other by sharing the Gospel together.

Please read the Wednesday Word together as family each week and support children’s understanding of the Gospel. Reflections can be recorded below. We love reading your thoughts.

Summer Holiday Special

Wednesday Word 10.07.24 LISTENING 

Wednesday Word 03.07.24 WELCOME

Wednesday Word 26.06.24 FAITH

Wednesday Word 19.06.24 CALM

Wednesday Word 12.06.24 GOD’S KINGDOM

Wednesday Word Holiday Booklet

Wednesday Word 15.05.24 PENTECOST

Wednesday Word 08.05.24 CARE

Wednesday Word 01.05.24 LOVE

Wednesday Word 24.04.24 GROWING







113 comments on “Wednesday Word Summer 2024

  1. Sophia P yr 6 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is all about growing. God loves us and wants us to live and grow with him like the branches of a vine. Therefore we go to church, pray and do good deeds to live like God would like us to live.

  2. Nicolas yr 3 says:

    This week’s gospel is about GROWING. God loves us and wants us to grow into the best people we can.

  3. Julian y6 says:

    Jesus is the true vine and he supports all of the little vines bearing fruit so as the true vine we should respect him and follow in his example to bear the most fruit.

  4. Sienna y4 says:

    This weeks word is growing .Growing means either growing out of something or out of yourself .When you are growing you might change but changing might be different but it isn’t bad . If you have changed people might think you are a different person but they can still help you grow just like when Jesus said “I am the vine you are the branches”
    We will all grow up

  5. Ambery4🙋‍♀️ says:

    This weeks word is GROWING. The fruit that Jesus talks about is not the ones that grow on trees but about the ones that grow inside of us e.g kindness ,joy ,love, peace, generosity, self-control and patience we are filled with these fruits when we are close to Jesus.

  6. The word of this week is “growing” this means that Jesus wants to be our friend. If we stay in friendship with him, he will fill us of good things such as kindness, generosity and love.

  7. Florence Y3🐹🐶 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is GROWING!
    Growing doesn’t just mean to get older but to grow more love, kindness, generosity, and patience. For example, to make games fair, not hurting others on how they look and telling the truth.

  8. Caspian ⚽️🐐 says:

    This week’s word is “Growing”.
    We all make mistakes.
    God gives us a second chance to grow to be a better person.
    It doesn’t matter what age you are.
    We learn from our mistakes and you can’t go back if you make one.
    You probably can’t remember your first mistake.
    It’s because you made too many.

    If you haven’t, I’m surprised!

  9. This week’s gospel is all about GROWING. Jesus explains how we grow and remain a part in him. We all have Jesus next to us and he provides the support to get through anything. He will help us even in the hardest of situations.

  10. Growing is like what Jesus said to us- he grows with us every day.

  11. This weeks Wednesday word is GROWING! Growing is very important because it is how we grow to be like our role models!! Another way to grow while staying healthy is having enough sleep 💤 this is super important at any age!! The main point is, is that growing is what God made us for, he created us because he wants us to live a good life and follow the right path instead of following the wrong one! Growing is what makes us better, DAY by DAY!!!!!!!!!

  12. Catherine Yr6 says:

    The Wednesday Word is GROWING. This week Jesus tells the disciples a parable about staying and following Jesus when even things get hard. To stay close to God we need to grow in God’s love and keep growing in goodness.

  13. I would particularly like to grow in courage because it would help me in situations like piano exams, football matches and asking important questions. Jesus possessed all of the fruits of goodness. Without Jesus no one can grow in those qualities.

  14. This week’s Wednesday word is GROWING. A way to help us grow is to sleep and eat healthy ! God made us so we can grow and develop, also follow in Jesus’s footsteps as we grow up !

  15. Alexandra Y3 says:

    This Weeks Wednesday word is Growing. Jesus helps us as we grow up, making us better and stronger. He will always give us second chances, even when we make mistakes. In this parable, Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. Those who bear fruit believe in God, and those who don’t bear fruit, don’t.

  16. Florence Y3🐶🐒 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is love ❤️. Jesus gave us a great commandment to follow him more, it is:love one another as I have loved you. We can show love to others by treating others more fairly and with more care and to help and look after others. Jesus loves us and we love him back. Jesus also wants us to follow his greatest commandment.

  17. Ambery4🙋‍♀️ says:

    This weeks word is LOVE. In this Gospel Jesus shows and gives us his love and tells us that we should follow his commandment ‘love one another as I have loved you.’ And to follow God’s word.

  18. Alexandra Y3 🥰😍❤ says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is Love. Jesus’s greatest commandment is ‘to love one another as he has loved us.’ If we follow this commandment of love on earth, we can be sure of a great bond of love between Jesus and yourself.
    Love is caring, helping, showing compassion and love to people in need and being kind to everyone. Love is a beautiful feeling. Thank you Jesus for teaching us about love.

  19. This weeks Wednesday word is LOVE.Jesus loves so much and he sacrificed his life for us and our sins . Jesus guides us and loves us no matter what. He blesses us and leads us the right way. Jesus teaches us that we should love for not just family but everyone.

  20. Juliany6 says:

    This week’s word is love .Jesus loves all of us and it is only fair if we try to love one another to repay Jesus for all that he gave to save us.

  21. Nicolas yr3 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is all about LOVE. You should love one another as Jesus loves you. Sometimes it is very hard to love but you should always love people anyway even if they are archenemies.

  22. Sophia p says:

    This weeks gospel is all about Love. Love means to feel a deep affection towards someone. Jesus says to us in this gospel that we should love one another. What he meant by this was that we should not only love our friends and family but we should also love the people who have wronged us.

  23. Alexander year 4 says:

    This week’s Gospel is all about growing. It means That Jesus is the vine and we are the branches.

  24. Leopold says:

    This Wednesday word is about Love.
    Jesus said you should always love your friends which means to help them and care about them always.

  25. Fabi Y5 says:

    This week’s gospel is all about LOVE. Jesus considers us as friends and telling us he loves us and he as a true friend would lay down his life for us, we are part of him and we are all special people to him. He also mentioned that he would lay down his life for us, he did by crucifying himself to save us all.

  26. Julia year 5 says:

    This week’s word is love.
    Jesus loves us so much he gave up his life up for us. We can also care and love our friends as Jesus loves and cares about us.

  27. This weeks Wednesday word is LOVE.When Jesus came down to Earth, he gave us a rule. He said to love one another. We should love are neighbour with great care. Even if they do something wrong.

  28. Elisa Y4 says:

    To be friends of Jesus means to spread and share love not only with our friends and relatives, but also with all thebpeiple we meet every day in life.

  29. Todays wednesday word is all about LOVE!!!!!!!!
    What Jesus is commanding us to do is to show LOVE to one another.If we want to follow Jesus’ word we have to follow Gods way!!!!

    God is always with us!!!!

  30. Sophia B ♡ says:

    This week’s Wedneaday word is CARE !!! We should all care for each other like how Jesus and God care for us !

  31. Leopold says:

    This week Wednesday world is about care. Care is when you love one another like Jesus loved us. When you care about someone you care about Jesus and God

  32. Today’s word is care .Jesus shows joy , hope and care to everyone in our daily lives and to show care and respect back to him we should follow his word.

  33. Sophia p says:

    This weeks gospel is all all about Love. To love means to show affection towards someone.We coo should ok do all love one another.

  34. Sophia p says:

    This weeks we Wednesday word is all about Love.To love means to show affection towards someone.We should all love one another.

  35. Nicolasyr3 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is about love. We should love one another because Jesus has loved us and God has loved Jesus .

  36. Caspian ⚽️⚽️🐐🐐 says:

    This week’s word is Growing.
    We all grow.
    Plants cannot grow by themselves.
    Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches.
    Plants grow with water.
    Jesus is the vine, God and Jesus are the water that helps us grow, and we are the branches.

  37. Catherine Yr6 says:

    In this Wednesday’s Gospel, Jesus prays for his disciples as he is going to leave them soon. Jesus praying for his disciples shows the tremendous care that Jesus has for his people and others – the care we can find in the kind actions of the others. Maybe we can all try to show we care for people around us like Jesus has shown care for his people!!! (:

  38. Florence Y3🤗 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is care. Care means to show kindness to others and take care. Jesus did this by sacrificing himself for us to be forgiven from our sins, He also didn’t want to get crucifies but He knew that it’s God’s will and He sacrificed himself so we could be sinless. We could show care by looking after our loved ones like our family and friends who are hurt, listen to others and behave to your parents.

  39. Elisa Y4 says:

    This week’s word is CARE. We have to care about each other, especially the ones in need, if we want to be friends of Jesus.

  40. Valentina y5 says:

    This wednesday word is caring, we need to care to everyone especially those who need help and need support.

  41. JamesJ(y3) says:

    This weeks Wednesday ‘s word is GROING . Jesus is the vine and we are the branches . As Catholic Jesus teaches us to behave .

  42. Ambery4🙋‍♀️ says:

    This weeks word is PENTECOST. The time when the Holy Spirit comes to the disciples as a dove and puts tongues of fire over their heads which gives them confidence. And the power to speak in all languages

  43. Sophia p says:

    This week’s gospel is about caring . We should all care for each other.

  44. Nicolas yr 3 says:

    This week’s gospel is about PENTECOST. God send us the Holy Spirit to give us inner strength.

  45. Florence Y3🤗 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is Pentecost. Pentecost is the day when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit down to the apostles and people who followed him. The Holy Spirit helped them to be resilient and be strong enough to face their fears. Since then, the apostles have managed to preach Jesus’ words without being fearful. As a normal citizen you shouldn’t be scared to spread the words of God.

  46. Madeleine says:

    This week’s word is Pentecost. Pentecost is a special day when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to his disciples. This gave them the courage to preach the good news

  47. Sophia B yr6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is Pentecost! Pentecost is when came the holy spirit came down on top of the disciples as a dove and put tongues of fire over their heads.

  48. Paul year5 says:

    Jesus wants us all to be like him. He is our example. Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit so he could give us courage to spread his word. He wants us all to be a living copy of him. Before you do anything, always think about what Jesus would do. He is who we need to follow and the Holy Spirit gives us the power to do that.

  49. This weeks word is Pentecost which is when the Holy Spirit descended onto the disciples and let them speak in all languages so we as well should let the Holy Spirit into us.

  50. Pentecost is this week’s Wednesday word it was represented when Jesus blessed the deciples and told them they have to forgive anyone

  51. Madeleine says:

    This week’s word is friendship. When you have a friend , you have a special relationship with them. You shouldn’t treat that friend in a mean way. Friendship is very important , it is all about listening and always being there for your friend whenever they need you.

  52. Florence Y3🤩😎😛 says:

    This week’s Wednesday’s word is Friendship. Friendship is the relationship between friends. We have lots of friends that we talk to and play with but there is one special friend that we can’t play with, and that person is Jesus. Even though we can’t play with Jesus we can talk to him in prayer.

  53. Ambery4🙋‍♀️ says:

    This weeks word is FRIENDSHIP. This Gospel shows the friendship between Jesus and the disciples. Jesus is a friend who will never leave you and is always there for you no matter what.

  54. This weeks Wednesday word is all about friendship. Friendship is when you have a relationship with a friend and you care after each other because you like each other . An example of this is when you are sad they come to you a ask you if you are ok. Jesus is our friend because he guides us in the right way and he is always in our hearts caring for us . He likes us all equally even if we can be a bit selfish sometimes .We can talk or say sorry to Jesus in prayers.

  55. Fabi Y5 🗿 says:

    This week’s gospel is all about FRIENDSHIP. Jesus is friends with all of us and friends are people that are close to you. Jesus is with you at all times, helping you even in the most tricky situations, he loves you and everyone alot. No matter what bad things you’ve done, even the worst thing continuously, Jesus will still love you equally to the others.

  56. This weeks word is all about friendship . friendship is so important as if you ae friends with someone you are truly friends with Jesus and God. If you are unkind with someone then you are also being unkind to God and are separating yourself with God.

  57. Alexandra Y3 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is Friendship. A good friend would help you, just like how Jesus guides you. Jesus will be your closest friend, no matter how many sins you do. You might think a friend has to talk to you, but you can’t talk to Jesus. You can’t even see him, but you have faith in him. Even if you can’t see someone, but you know them, they can be your friend.

  58. This Wednesday Word is Family. Everyone is Family because we are all children of God. Your immediate family is a very special thing, however, we need to extend love to other people as well. We can do that by being kind and loving to everyone and thinking of everyone as the baby of someone and someone’s brother, sister, mum or dad.

  59. Florence Y3😇🙂 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is family. A family is a group of people that live together in a house. We all belong to a family but we also belong to another family which is God’s family. Everyone belongs to God’s family. In the gospel it says “ Who is my mother and who are my brothers?” Our mother, brothers and sisters are our neighbours and our neighbours are everyone.

  60. Alexander 🐖 says:

    This week’s Gospel is all about family 👪. A family is people who you live with.

  61. Ambery4🙋‍♀️ says:

    This weeks word is FAMILY. This Gospel shows that if you love and pray to God you will always be Jesus’ brother, sister or mother.

  62. This week’s Wednesday word is about family. Jesus said in the Gospel :
    If you do the will of God you will be Jesus‘ family. When you’re helping your friends and Family you are doing this to God.

  63. James J(Y3) says:

    This weeks word is FAMILY. In this Gospel Jesus “ went back home with the disciples,
    and such a large crowd had gathered that they did not even had a chance to eat.When Jesus’ family heard what he was doing, they set out to take him away.

  64. Sophia P says:

    This weeks gospel is all about Family. Family means to be part of a community where everyone is related. We all have a family.

  65. This weeks word is FAMILY. God gave us a family because in the making of us he knew that we deserved a caring family just because of how nice he knew we would be.
    He does everything for a reason!

  66. Nicolas yr 3 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is all about FAMILY. Everyone in the world is our family. We should protect our family and have peace with everyone in it. God wants us all to be one big, happy family.

  67. Jaidee Y5 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is family. It is defined as a group of of two or more persons related by birth, marriage or adoption. But we can also be called a family even we are not related by blood. We are like a family here in St. Vincent’s, we all follow Jesus like how he wants us to be., we pray together in school and we are taught to be kind to one another.

  68. This week’s gospel is all about FAMILY. Jesus was surrounded by a crowd of people and considered them as brothers and sisters. Jesus considers us all as family and he loves us all equally no matter the bad things we done.

  69. Valentina y5 says:

    This Wednesday word is family. We are all God’s children so we are family we need to treat each other equally even if someone has something different or believes another religion, no matter what we are in God’s big and kind family.

  70. Alexandra Y3 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is Family. Jesus said ” anyone who does the will of God will be my brother, mother or sister ”. I think this means that whoever believes in the son of God will be with him.

  71. Sophia p says:

    This word is all about God’s kingdom. Gods kingdom lives in heaven where everyone goes after they die.Christians belive that if you are true to god you will go to heaven when you die.

  72. This week is about God’s kingdom. God’s kingdom grows fast like a seed to protect and care for people.

  73. Ambery4🙋‍♀️ says:

    This weeks word is GOD’S KINGDOM. In this gospel it’s shows how small seeds can grow into big things and care for other’s just like people can.

  74. Nicolas yr3 says:

    This week’s gospel is all about God’s Kingdom. God invites everyone to
    come to his kingdom. He loves and treats equally. He gave us a job to take care of his kingdom.

  75. This week’s gospel is about God’s kingdom.God welcomes every with open arms to his kingdom as all of their sins have been forgive as Jesus died on the cross.This is one of the many reasons we should respect and worship Jesus for his kindness and selflessness to give himself up to save humanity.

  76. Florence Y3👒 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is God’s kingdom. There are two places that can be called God’s kingdom:
    1) Heaven 🪽😇
    2) Church (God’s kingdom on earth 🌍 )
    In God’s kingdom we pray, receive the bread and wine, listen to the gospel, and pay attention to what the priest is saying. Everyone can be part of God’s kingdom!

  77. This week’s gospel is all about GODS KINGDOM. As Jesus says that a little mustard seed can grow into the biggest shrub and have long branches to shelter birds. It’s like life, you become a very small baby and you grow up to be an adult. Then, it’s like you have more responsibilities and you protect the others and you will eventually grow up when you reach the point to ascend to God’s kingdom.

  78. Sophie yr6 says:

    This weeks word is God’s Kingdom. Everyone is allowed to come in his Kingdom if you are true to God and love him.

  79. This Wednesday Word is about the kingdom of God. Everyone is invited into his kingdom if they fully believe in him.

  80. This parable tells us that even the smallest of faiths can turn into the biggest of faiths. With the help of God’s love we can all grow God’s kingdom by becoming more like his son.

  81. Rebecca Y6 says:

    This week’s gospel is God’s kingdom which is all about being part of it. To do that you need to keep spreading word about Jesus and doing things that would make others happy, and when you make others happy, you’re making God happy, and then you’re part of his kingdom.

  82. Ambery4🙋‍♀️ says:

    This weeks word is CALM. In scary situations you have to have faith and be calm just how Jesus acted in this weeks Gospel.

  83. This week’s gospel is all about CALM. Jesus calms the water and saves the ship in the gospel, it’s a little bit like our emotions. When we are angry, we can calm ourselves down, we do have the power to do that.

  84. This weeks gospel is all about CALM. In the gospel Jesus is asleep and there is a storm and Jesus calms the storm just like he does in our hearts when we feel a lot of different emotions.

  85. Catherine says:

    This week the Wednesday Word is CALM. When all of Jesus’s friends were worried of the waves Jesus showed them his powers and calmed the waves. We can not stop waves but maybe we can help our friends like Jesus did. ✝️

  86. It is important to have faith in God because if you have faith you will also be able to believe in yourself. For example, Jesus could walk on water because he had faith. If you have faith in God you know that God will help you achieve things that seem impossible.

  87. This week’s Wednesday word is faith.In the Gospel Jesus says who do you say I am?Peter answers you are the Christ.Jesus replied the son of the living God.You are a happy man because it is not blood that revealed this to you but my Father in heaven.Peter has faith because he didn’t need to see blood to believe Jesus was the son of God.

  88. Ambery4🙋‍♀️ says:

    This weeks word is FAITH. In the gospel Jesus asks his disciples who he is then Simon Peter replies “ You are the son of the living God.” Then Jesus says “ Simon son of Jonah, you are a happy man!Because it’s was not flesh or blood that revealed this to yo but my father in heaven.”

  89. Nicolas yr 3 says:

    This week‘s gospel is about FAITH. Jesus says that we should have faith when we are with him because he is the son of God. To feel God‘s love we have to have faith.

  90. This week the word his Faith. Faith means that you have to trust God and Jesus because God loves us and protects us.

  91. Sophia p says:

    This weeks gospel is faith.Faith means to believe in something .

  92. This weeks gospel is about FAITH. In the gospel Peter has faith that Jesus is Christ. Peter sets a good example for us all because if we have faith in Jesus we will never go wrong. We might turn away from him but he will always help us back towards God because as he say Peter is his rock he is ours.

  93. This week’s word is God’s Kingdom which he invites everyone to enter as long as they treat others as they would treat Jesus.

  94. Florence Y3🦁 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is FAITH. The word faith means to believe in yourself, like Jesus did in last week’s Wednesday word when Jesus had enough faith to calm the storm. We can express our faith by showing Jesus and God that we believe them.

  95. Fabi Y5🙂 says:

    This week’s gospel is all about FAITH. It is always important to have faith in yourself and to give yourself courage to overcome the obstacles that come in life. Always have faith in yourself.

  96. Alexandra Y3 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is Faith. Faith means to believe in your religion.
    St. Peter had a huge amount of faith. His faith was so strong that Jesus gave him the keys to heaven.

  97. This week’s gospel is Faith
    I think it is important to believe in your faith because Jesus believes in you .
    Jesus was not even Christian, he was Jewish so he had believed indifferent things than you but he still loves you.
    Always have faith in yourself.

  98. Genesis y2 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is all about faith. We all have faith in our goals that we achieve however we most always have faith in God by believing in Him with all our hearts, mind and soul.

  99. Sophie Yr6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday Word is FAITH. It is good to have faith in yourself and in God.

  100. Alexander y4🤣 says:

    This week’s Gospel is all about faith.Faith is when you believe in someone or yourself.

  101. Leopold⚽️🥅 says:

    Jesus wants us to welcome people I our house like he welcomes us in god’s kingdom.
    You can also welcome people , your friends, your family in your games or everywhere.

  102. Fabi Y5 🗿 says:

    This week’s gospel is all about WELCOME. Jesus welcomes everyone into his kingdom like we can welcome people in our house. Jesus is happy for you to be welcomed in his kingdom just like we can be happy to welcome people coming into our house. God wants us to do good deeds to let people in our house when they need it, just like Jesus did a good deed to die on the cross for us.

  103. This weeks Wednesday word is all about welcome. Welcome means when someone says thank you and then you say you’re welcome and it is to use as a polite way to say hello or to greet someone in a friendly way .Also it is used to welcome in to a place.

  104. Florence Y3🤗 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is WELCOME. Welcome means to greet in a warm friendly manner. We can welcome people by greeting people good morning, good afternoon or good evening, if someone hasn’t been to your house you could give a tour of where the different rooms are or say we are so excited/delighted to see you. We should welcome people like God welcomed us into his family.

  105. This week’s Wednesday Word is welcome . Welcome is so important as it gives a first impression of who you are and more importantly if you welcome God into your heart.

  106. This Wednesday Word is about welcoming others. God welcomes us into his arms so we should do the same. Everyone who loves God is welcome in Heaven.

  107. Sienna (srt) says:

    This weeks word is welcome .welcome means to let someone in or to let them to play with you .for e.g if someone is sad 😢 you can say why are you sad and they might say I have no one to play with you can invite them to your game

  108. Listening is so important as if you listen to God and his gospel you will understand to ways of the lord and how you can improve your daily life.

  109. Ambery4🙋‍♀️ says:

    This weeks word is LISTENING. In the Gospel the disciples listen to Jesus’ important instructions.

  110. Florence Y3🤗 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is Listening! At school, listening helps us to understand what to do or how to set our work. Jesus’ disciples listened to Jesus by agreeing to spread the good news all around the world that Jesus has risen. At church we listen to the gospel so then we can become good Christians

  111. This week’s Wednesday word is welcome
    I think being welcomed is something very important for example when Jesus let you enter his heart, he welcomes you into his heart he also welcomes you when you go to heaven so Jesus is welcomes you as if you are one of his children of his own

  112. Catherine Yr6 says:

    This week the Wednesday Word is LISTENING. In this Gospel, Jesus sent out the disciples to preach and heal but Jesus instructed them to not bring anything with them and if a place does not welcome them, then they should leave. Let’s all make sure to follow the good example Jesus gave us in anyway we can this week!!!

  113. Alexandra Y3🥰 😍 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is listening. Jesus wants us to listen to him through the bible-gospels-parables, and through our priests, teachers and our parents and grandparents. We can listen to Jesus by going to church, praying at home with our families or praying quietly in the morning, during the day or at bedtime. When we pray from the heart Jesus listens to us.
    The apostles listened to Jesus and went all around the world to preach the Word of God, perform miracles and made more people listen and believe in Jesus Christ.

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