Maths is practise is best done little and often. A short 5 minute game to practise number facts every day will help you to learn them and get better and better!

One of our favourite games at school is called Hit the Button. This is great for getting more fluent at our times tables (you  will learn your 2x and 10x tables this year) and quick addition and subtraction. It is especially helpful for practising your number bonds from 0-10 and even 0-20 if you can!

Daily 10 is another quick game to practise your mental maths. Choose the level for your year group (so you would choose Level 1 for Year 1 questions) and then any area you want to practise. 

If you find a topic a little tricky or want support with a specific area, BBC Bitsize has lessons and games on every part of the curriculum for your year group. 

We are following the Power Maths scheme for our Maths lessons at school. This is their calculation policy which outlines the methods that we teach at school: KS1 Power Maths Calculation Policy

Number formation is so important, so please practise writing your numbers correctly:

We’ll keep adding to this list as we find good resources to help you practise your Maths at home. Keep checking and let us know if you want us to find something specific for you, or if you have a good idea you want to share!