Today Class 5 joined the Mayor of London’s Digital Youth Summit!

This was an exciting opportunity for us as we got to share our views on how to look after the Earth.

The summit was run by Game Changers and we were joined by special guests Louis VI, Zamzam Ibrahim and Zack Polanski.

Each guest gave an inspiring talk about what they have done to help our planet and to try and stop climate change and pollution. We then got to ask the special guests some questions and we asked how we, as children, can persuade others to act like we do in taking care of the planet. They told us that although we are young, we are the future leaders. If we lead by example, others will follow! 

This helped us to feel inspired to go out and be the change we want to see.

Along with other schools, we discussed how we can make London greener. We came up with lots of ideas…

  • Ban plastic.
  • Make bicycles cheaper.
  • Lower costs of electric cars.
  • Big buildings such as offices should turn off their lights.

We has SO many more ideas and Game Changers said that all of our ideas would be sent to the Mayor of London!

This summit linked really well with our current Religious Education topic as we are looking at God’s creation… the Earth and how we can respect and take care of it. During our Catholic Social Teaching, we have been thinking about how we can ACT to improve our environment and the world we live in. We need to make sure future generations can enjoy our beautiful world too!

If Class 5 or any other year groups have ideas on how we can make London greener, write them on this blog! Together we can make a difference!

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