Today marks the beginning of Advent.

Advent comes from the Latin word meaning ‘coming.’

Advent is the season when we prepare for the coming of Our Lord,  Jesus Christ.

The front of our school has been decorated and classrooms have wonderful displays celebrating this joyful time.

You’ll see in the photos below that our Prayer Table cloths have been changed to purple and our nativity sets are out!

The liturgical colour for this season is purple which is the colour of preparation and humility. For this reason, the priests’ vestments are purple as are three of the Advent candles!


At school we have started filming our EYFS and Key Stage 1 Nativity and Key Stage 2 Christmas Celebration. It is definitely starting to feel like Christmas is coming!

So what is Advent all about?



Counting down to Christmas using an Advent calendar is a popular tradition for Christians.

This year we know running a big collection in school might not be possible so we would like to share this Advent Calendar with you so you can take part at home.
It follows the concept of a ‘reverse’ Advent Calendar and gives suggestions for items to collect each day to donate to a local foodbank or food poverty project in time for Christmas. The calendar has information to help you find local projects to support.

You can access the calendar by clicking here.

Thank you to the wonderful St Vincent’s Parents Association (SVPA) who have made an Advent Calendar for each class.

Each school day, children will receive a numbered envelope. The children will place a star in the heavens, read a poem or prayer and  a riddle for the class to guess.

The children will move the baby Jesus on  the ladder, tracking his journey to Earth until finally, the baby will be placed in the manger at the root of the ladder.

We can’t wait to begin using it! 



A Prayer for Advent

God of hope,
we cling to you,
for you renew the face of the earth. 

Through the gift of your Son,
our Lord Jesus,
we follow you on the path of dawn.

Enlightened by your love and wisdom,
help us to lead each other
and all creatures
back to your open arms.






2 comments on “Advent 2020

  1. Year 6 had a lot of fun making these candles!!!
    We also enjoyed decorating them 🙂
    I hope everyone has a lovely advent


  2. Thank you for sharing this to us!
    I loved seeing every class’ R.E. display on the pictures and the video too!
    I hope you have a wonderful Advent!
    -Elisa 💜

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