At  St Vincent’s we make sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to take part in the life of the community and has their rights respected.

During Anti-Bullying Week, we discussed how we can show respect to different groups of people, including:  people with different religion or no religion, people of different race, people who are disabled, people who speak a different language.  We looked at how it feels to be excluded or discriminated against and we looked at different strategies of resolving these issues.

Mrs Avdiu challenged us on stereotypes and we learnt that we should never judge a person or a group just because of the way they look, their gender, the job they have, their age or their likes and dislikes or treat people differently on these grounds.

We expressed our learning through role play, demonstrating how it feels to be excluded or discriminated against and how we can resolve these issues. Can you tell who is being excluded/discriminated against in the photos below?