This week, Reception have enjoyed celebrating World Week through exploring lots of different themes!

Spirituality Day
We began the week with ‘Spirituality Day.’ Our focus for spirituality day was thinking about the world in which God created and how we can come together and connect with God. We enjoyed going into the hall where we had three special activities set up for us including making a collage of our wonderful world, talking about our love for the world and writing a floating prayer to show what we are thankful for in our world. 

Safer Internet Day
To continue our learning during world week, we then focused on the theme ‘Safer Internet Day.’ We discussed the topic, ‘Making space for conversations about life online.’
We listened to the story ‘Hanni and the Magic Window.’ This online safety story told us about Hanni’s home and its very special magic window. But when Hanni saw something that upset her, she struggled to explain what had happened. We discussed the story and talked about who we can talk to if we see something we don’t like. We made our own magic windows, thinking about key people we can talk to that will help us.

Mental Health and Wellbeing
Later in the week we focused on the theme ‘Mental Health and Well-being.’
We listened to the story ‘The Invisible String,’ by Patrice Karst. The story was about unbreakable connections between loved ones. It shared the theme of an invisible string made of love. Even though you can’t see it with your eyes, you can feel it deep in your heart, and know you are always connected to the ones you love. After listening to and discussing the story we made our own love hearts with all of the people we are connected to through love. We used pipe cleaners to decorate around our love heart to symbolise the invisible string made of love.

Cultural Day
Today was our final day of world week! Today we focused on the theme of ‘St Vincent’s Cultural Day,’ where we celebrated how we are connected to others around the world. We had a special cultural assembly where we celebrated all of the different cultures we have in our school family. We listened to our friends around the school performing something as part of their families country. In class we talked about our similarities and differences among our families, communities and traditions. It was wonderful to celebrate all of the different cultures we have in our school and share traditions with each other!

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