Last week, Class 6 visited the R.A.F. Museum in North London. We had a fantastic time and learnt a lot about the role of the R.A.F. during World War II. The huge size of some of the ‘planes surprised us and we were shocked to learn that being in the R.A.F. was one of the most dangerous jobs in the war, with less than one in 8 airmen surviving more than 50 missions.

A highlight of the day was a visit to a World war II classroom, where a very strict teacher took us back in time to the 1940’s. We managed to construct our gas mask boxes and also tried hard to write neatly using dip pens and ink. Hiding under the wooden desks during an air-raid saved our lives and only one of us got into trouble with the teacher!

Learning about the huge cost to human life during World War II has made us think again about how important it is to work together for peace.