In our Shared Reading lesson this week we have been making connections and identifying the themes in ‘The BFG’.

At the beginning of our lesson we thought about what we already know about ‘The BFG’ and other stories that share similar characters, settings and themes with this book. We came up with lots of ideas and then transferred them onto a three part venn diagram. We included other stories that are about giants, that are set in London and that are about dreams. Some of these include Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, The Stone Age Boy and Paddington Bear.

After this we used the text to answer some comprehension questions about the first two chapter of the book: ‘The Witching Hour’ and ‘Who?’. We practiced turning the questions into answers and finding and using the key parts of the text to answer the comprehension question.

As a challenge, we thought about which themes (key messages that the author wants us to learn from the story) are important in ‘The BFG’. There were lots of brilliant ideas such as friendship, honest, kindness and family.

Which theme do you think is most important in ‘The BFG’? Why?

8 comments on “English in Year 3

  1. Florence Alexander’s Mum says:

    Great writing year 3 👍🏾🎉😇

  2. Alexandra Y3 🥰😍❤ says:

    I have been enjoying reading the “The BFG” in class with Mr. Kersys. I think that the storyline about friendship, honesty and kindness really sticks out to me. We all need great friendship like the one that the BFG and Sophie had. She was scared at first and then realised that he was kind and someone she could trust especially when he said, “Of course I won’t eat you.” 😄😊

  3. Wow, fantastic work year three

  4. Anna Y3 😉 says:

    I have really enjoyed reading the BFG far. It has been very interesting. I think the most important theme of the BFG is friendship and kindness because in the BFG a giant and a girl meet and they don’t care about how the people look and they don’t say rude things to each over, and they start to become friends.

  5. So far the BFG is amazing, some of the themes are friendship, magic and silliness.
    thank you Mr Kersys! 😀

  6. The BFG was really fun! THANK YOU MR. KERSYS!

  7. I love reading The BFG 💕

  8. I have been enjoying reading the BFG my favourite part was when the BFG drank a fizzy drink and the bubbles went down not up and when he drank it he was floating and Sophie was laughing 😂😂😂 and she tried it and was flying and laughing.

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