In English, we have been learning about Dear Greenpeace.

This is a lovely book about a girl called Emily who finds a whale in her pond! She begins to write to Greenpeace to ask for advice.

We have been using a range of conjunctions to justify our opinions about whether or not whales should live in ponds, using evidence from the text. We have also been practicing writing questions, focusing on either a whale or a wolf. As we have previously read Wolves and have written our own non-chronological reports about them, we feel quite knowledge able about them! On Wednesday, we planned our writing of our very own letter to Greenpeace which had to include at least one question. We also wanted to use adjectives and expanded noun phrases when we could.

Today, we used our plans to write our letters. Some of us proof-read our plans carefully and wanted to improve and adapt our writing before we’d even started! We have been working hard on our joined handwriting, and are always trying to ensure that we use capital letters and full stops.

What question did you ask Greenpeace?

2 comments on “English: Letter Writing

  1. I did so much work at that lesson!

  2. Sebastian Y2 says:

    I did my best shot in that lesson 📖📒

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