This morning, Year 4 took part in an exciting First Aid workshop with Martin from Mini First Aid. 

Firstly Martin got us to think about what we had learnt in previous first aid workshops to see if could remember any key information. 

We learnt what first aid is, the emergency number (999), DR ABC (Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing and Circulation) before going through how to administer CPR to someone who was not breathing. Martin taught us about how to correctly perform chest compressions before delivering 2 rescue breathes. 

Martin then spoke to us about bleeding and what to do if someone has a wound that blood is coming out from. We spoke about how it was important to apply direct pressure and got to have the chance at putting on a bandage onto our partner’s arm. 

We got to learn and practice some very important life skills and are now feeling confident how to apply these if we ever have to. 

Thank you to the SVPA for funding this first aid workshop and Miss Siswick for organising it for us. 


One comment on “First Aid Workshop

  1. Fantastic year 4.

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