In Class 5 we have LOVED our Science lessons with Mrs Avdui.

In particular we enjoyed our lesson on forensic science.
We learnt some very interesting scientific vocabulary…

Forensic: based on scientific evidence that is usable in a court of law.
Fingerprint: the unique marks made on a surface by moisture from a person’s fingers every time they touch something with their bare hand.
Chromatography: a scientific process which separates out different parts of a chemical mixture.
Microscope: an instrument with lenses that makes small objects look bigger.
DNA: a long molecule in the body that contains the genetic code.
Evidence: information that gives proof or leads to a conclusion.

We learnt all about forensic science and how scientists collect evidence to help them to solve a crime.
We all have our own unique fingerprints which can help to identify us.
We had SO much fun investigating our fingerprints at home and some of us even staged our own crime scenes to solve at home!

Thank you for sending in your wonderful photos! They made us smile!

2 comments on “Forensic Science

  1. Thank you so much Miss Avdui ,
    I really enjoyed this lesson it was probably my favourite subject so far.

  2. I have just seen it and it is amazing!
    Btw I loved it.
    So sad u can’t be r science teacher. 😭

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