The class have had a lovely last few days of their time in Year 4.

We have been doing lots of fun activities and spending lots of time together as we looked forward to the summer.

Year 4 began the week by writing their new teacher a report about all of the special activities and events which happen at our school, and to welcome him into the St. Vincent’s family. They enjoyed computing lessons to create a Google Slides presentation about the Tudor times for their class. We leant how to search for the most reliable information using Kiddle-a child friendly search engine and discussed why some information might be unreliable. We then looked at how to use tools on images to find pictures which were available to use under the common creative licence rather than a commercial licence.

On Wednesday we enjoyed a talent show prepared and presented by Year 4. We saw some brilliant dancing, gymnastics and heard lots of jokes!

The children spent lots of time reflecting on this year, their favourite memories and all of the fantastic progress they have made. We also looked ahead into next year by setting goals for ourselves to achieve in Year 5.

We enjoyed lots of other fun activities such as playing board games, heads down thumbs up, hangman and painting images of our favourite Saints for wellbeing time.

We have said ‘bye!’ to Bo who will be leaving our school family to make a big move to The Netherlands.  

I really hope you have enjoyed this year as much as I have and I will treasure the memories of our time together forever!

Thank you to all of the Year 4 children for being super stars, to the parents and carers for their unconditional support and understanding, and the SVPA for organising our end of year gifts.

We truly appreciate how much you have helped us over the past year.

Enjoy a restful holiday, remember to help your parents, do some reading and most of all, have lots of fun with your families and friends.

What was your favourite memory of Year 4?

3 comments on “Goodbye Year 4!

  1. Bye year 4,I will miss Bo so much 🙁

  2. Mila🌈 says:

    I had a very fun time in year 4,🥰🌈We did so many fun things together😁We did big things like getting our pen licence🖊And we did the Shakespeare show👍We got better at everything📚I going to miss year 4 so much🥺I don’t want to leave🥺Thank you so much for being our teacher Mr Kersys🥰❤️Goodbye Bo🥺

  3. Hi everyone it’s me Jack i just wanted to say goodbye Bo we will 😢

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